What I eat in a day!

Hello everybody I am back,

In today's blog post, I am going to show you what I ate on Saturday! Firstly I had a really healthy breakfast which consisted of yogurt,oats which I mixed together and then I had half a pomegranate but you could use pomegranate in a packet. Then I put the pomegranate on top of the oat mix and then I drizzled some honey on top but you could use any kind of sweetener you want. Then start eating. Yum!

Then we went to Burnham which is a lovely place full of old fashioned houses and antique shops. I would recommend the townhouse which is a lovely furniture shop decorated into a home. Here are some pictures.

These were the insides of the town house.



Then we drove to Sheringham which was about ten minutes from Burnham. There we ate fish and chips, well my parents did but me and my sister had a battered jumbo sausage with chips it was delicious.

Then we went around all the different charity shops to find the best bargains and then we drove off to a place called Holt. It is also a lovely place as well, we were looking for the best tea rooms/coffee shops and ended up getting into an argument because the shops had either little cake or there was a huge cue to get a table. So then we ended up going to an actually not that bad cafe called Horatios and had tea and cake. Well I had a luxury lemon cake and a lovely berry smoothie but still it was nice. After that, we carried on walking and walked past the tea room we were looking for (not that Horatios was terrible) and were gutted that it was just outside our carpark!

Then we came home and we were not very hungry so we had a selection of food that we like to call a spread. It was very nice.

Hope you've enjoyed this blog post and I will see you next time!



  1. I love hearing about your day! We call them thrifts stores here but I like Charity Shops better! We spent a month in Scotland and I found every single one of them that were near by! I could walk to them too. Here in Texas everything is so big and spread out that is not possible!

    1. Thanks for the comment! I will be doing more what I eat In a day blog posts.


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