How to be confident😄

Hi guys,

Welcome back to my blog. Today I am going to talk about confidence. If you're like me and you're not the most confident person in the world, you will know that it is difficult. What I do sometimes, if I have to share work in class, I pretend to be a confident person. Instead of using my nerves to be nervous, I use them to be confident. Most people when they're asked to read their work out in class, they think they can't do it. However, if you're pretending to be a confident person, you've got to tell yourself that you can do it. You've also got to think that you're not doing it for anybody else but yourself so it shouldn't matter what other people think. Another good tip that I have is to pretend that when your standing up in class that you've got a cape blowing in the wind. My dad taught me this and it actually worked.

So I hope you've enjoyed this post, next post will be on my September favourites so please do check that out when it comes,

See you next time,




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