The Duke of Endinburgh Awards

Hi guys,

Welcome back to my blog. Today I am going to be talking about the Duke of Edinburgh awards. Before we get on to the blog post, make sure to hit the follow button on the sidebar. I hope you love the blog transformation. I've been working on it for the past few days to make things more accessable and aesthetically pleasing. I hope you appreciate it! Today's shout out goes to Ladylike on YouTube. They do amazing videos. We as women can definitely relate to the videos. Please go and check them out! Let's get on to the blog post.

The Duke of Edinburgh Awards. A self-improvement program for adolescents and adults. This was founded by Prince Philip, The Duke of Edinburgh. At first, I wasn't so sure about joining this program. It just didn't seem my thing; doing volunteering work and completing challenges until finally, surviving for two days in the wilderness. However, something inside me just clicked. This is an opportunity of a lifetime. By doing this, it shows that you can endure tough challenges. My mum says that this is a good thing to have on your CV because when you are looking for a job, it shows that when you are asked to do something, you can do it. People would probably think that I can't do it but I am going to prove them wrong. It's not a maybe, it's I will. I am hoping to volunteer in a library as part of the challenges. I love to read and it won't be much of a chore. I am also hoping  to do dance as one of my sport and hobby challenges. Then all that is left is the exhibition into the wilderness. But I believe that I can do it.
Don't give up on yourself, keep going!
Have you heard/ done the Duke of Edinburgh awards? Let me know in the comments below.
I am currently working on a podcast which is going to be on dealing with teenage life. It won't be out yet but definitely keep your eyes peeled.
See you next time,


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