10 facts about me

Hello Jujubears and welcome to another blog post,

Today I am going to be talking about me. I've realised that its nearly been a year since I started my blog and not once have I introduced myself properly! So I apologise for that. So let's get on to some facts about me!

  1. My nationality is a bit complicated. Basically, I am half French, quarter English and quarter Japanese. I know quite a mouthful! My mum is fully French so that make me half French. My dad is half Japanese and half English so that makes me quarter Japanese and quarter English. I would like to take a proper DNA test in the future though. You never know, I could have more nationalities.
  2. If you don't know already, I am thirteen years old. I am a summer baby. I was born on the fourth of July 2004. America's independence day! I can't believe that I will be fourteen this year and going on to year 10.
  3. I've been dancing for 6 years and a bit. I say and a bit because I did do ballet when I was a lot younger but I didn't continue it for very long.
  4. My favourite colour is yellow because it's vibrant and fun.
  5. I was born in Paris. I moved around a lot since then.
  6. My favourite style of dance is hip-hop.
  7. My favourite breed of dog is a French bulldog.
  8. My favourite food is ramen or any other type of soup noodles.
  9. I've never been to Japan and sadly can not speak Japanese. I love the culture though. 
  10. I can speak two languages fluently which are French and English.
What are some interesting facts about you? Let me know in the comments below.

See you next time,


Follow me on instagram📷-https://www.instagram.com/jujupage1/
Follow me on my book review blog📓-https://jujupage1sbookreviews.blogspot.co.uk


  1. Hi Juju! It was so great getting to know something about you. I know you read my blog so you probably already know some things about me. I think it is so cool that you are so many different nationalities. I am a lot of different things also. I am 1/4 Chinese, a lot of German, a lot of English, Scottish and Irish and a lot of French. I am also 1/8 Native American. I did my family tree and I am descended from King Henry II and Queen Eleanor of Aquitane and also Charlemagne. Cool, huh? My favorite color is sky blue. I was born in Philadelphia and have always lived here. This was fun.

    1. Sounds like you had an interesting background too!


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