A little bit about Monodon monoceros (narwhals) πŸ‹

Hello Jujubears and welcome to another blog post,

Today, I want to talk about one of my favourite animals in the world, the narwhal. Pay close attention to the 'one of my' since I love every single animal but this is just one of my faves. I remember getting a teddy narwhal two Christmases ago. My dad kindly got me to sponsor a narwhal and in return I got the teddy. What a great Christmas present idea! Anyway, here are some facts about narwhals-

  1. Their actual name is Monodon monoceros.
  2. They eat fish,shrimp and squid
  3. They live in the Atlantic in the Arctic
  4. Threats-hunting,climate change and industrial activities

You can find out more info on the WWF website here-https://www.worldwildlife.org/species

Do you know a lot about narwhals? Let me know in the comments below,

See you next time,





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