Being a model and role model are two separate things

Hello Jujubears and welcome to another blog post,

Today I am going to be talking about the differences between models and role models and why we might get the two mixed up. I was recently reading Anne Frank's diary and she brought up how her parents wanted her to be the model child. At first, I thought it made sense but on second glance, I realised that it didn't. For example, we consider models to be figures in photos and magazines like Vogue. All models are doing is promoting something that they don't own. So by saying someone is or has to be a model child, it's implementing that they have to represent something that they don't own ; something that isn't them. To me, this makes sense and answers a lot of difficult questions. When we look at magazines, we look at something someone else has and try to fit it with our own body type. However, because it's not ours, it will never work. But because we associate the word model as someone to look up to, we keep trying to be like them. However, who we should be looking up to are the role models.We should look up to the role models because they show us how to play the role of being ourselves. Because when we're being ourselves, you'll soon realise that everything fits.

Models showcase the talents of others in the hopes to inspire everyone. Role models showcase the talents of themselves in the hopes to inspire others to be themselves.
Comment down below if you want me to do a blog post on how to be a great model and role model.

See you next time,


My book review blog📓-


  1. Juju you have a lot of wisdom for a young person. Most people don't realize what you just said until much later in life. It is important to be ourselves, but also be a role model to others around us. I would love for you to do a blog post on being a role model.

    1. Thank you! I shall do a blog post on being a role model.


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