Feminism-my take πŸ™…

Hello Jujubears and welcome to another blog post,

Today I am going to be talking about feminism. Recently, I was watching a bunch of Buzzfeed videos on YouTube about feminism. One of the workers, Devin Lytle, was talking about how she is a feminist. I think that she and another co-worker were talking about how women get paid less than men. Now, I totally agree with the fact that women should be paid the same amount as men because we do state that we live in an equal society and it's not exactly equal when one gender is being paid more than the other for the same job. However, what I disagreed with was that they were saying that women should be paid more than men. Technically, that isn't equal either. Personally, I would ask, "why should women be paid more than men?" and "what makes women better?". I bet that no woman would be able to answer these questions. This is because women aren't better than men nor are men better than women. Why do we have to have a better gender?  This is why I don't like the word feminism because you don't exactly see masculism lying around. Why do we have to build a society for women? Are we just saying that they're weak because they need the empowerment of others?

If you can answer these questions, please write your answers in the comments below because I am generally interested.

More on this another time,

See you next time,


Book review blogπŸ““-https://jujupage1sbookreviews.blogspot.co.uk


  1. I agree with you. Equal is equal. One is not better than the other.


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