How to be a good role model

Hello Jujubears and welcome to another blog post,

Today I am going to be giving you guys some tips on how to be a good role model. If you would like to see some more information about being a role model or would just like to see the differences between being a model and a role model, then check out my blog post here- Now, let's get on to the tips:

  1. Work out who you are. As I mentioned in my other blog post, a role model showcases the talents of themselves in the hopes to inspire others to be themselves. So in order to do that, you've got to find out who you are.
  2. Show others your confidence. Remember, your trying to show others how to be themselves and for that you need to have confidence in yourself so that can radiate on other people too.
  3. A good role model can require you to help the people who are perhaps struggling with something. It's important that you also radiate good behaviour on other people too.
I would just like to add that being a good role model doesn't need to take huge amounts of effort. Just by being you and representing who you really are is a massive inspiration to other people.

Comment down below if you want me to do a blog post on identity.

See you next time,




  1. You are right that it is important to be true to yourself. You really can be an inspiration to others


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