Why can't people use direct language?

Hello Jujubears and welcome to another blog post,

Today I am going to be talking about direct language. Now, I don't mean overly direct to the point when everything you say is literal but I just mean say it how it is. For example, today I was learning about euthanasia in RE. Now, instead of saying euthanasia is when someone wants to die, the RE teacher said that it's when someone wants to end their life. I really do not understand why people are so frightened to say die when surely in a case like euthanasia, that's what the person wants and feels like. Let's take another example. Soldiers from the first world war used to come back with a mental disease called shell shock. This was and is due to the intensity of the fighting and the war in general. What I don't understand is why people now call it posttraumatic stress disorder (PSD). That phrase does not tell people what it's really like to be in that mental state. So why do we use indirect language?

Comment down below your answer and wether or not you agree.

See you next time,


P.S-this blog post idea came from a deep family chat in the car on the way home in case you were wondering!☺

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