Finding something new to study

Hello Jujubears and welcome to another blog post,

Today, I am going to be doing something a little bit different. I've been on the hunt for something new to study. I looked up 'interesting things to study' and it came up with:

  • How to pickle your own vegetables (?!)
  • Learn a new language ( I am bilingual)
  • Learn to code (been doing enough of that already)
  • Find out more about microbiology (too complicated)
I just wanted to find out more about a particular subject. So then I searched up 'interesting SUBJECTS to study'. It came up with this:

  • Mathematics (I'm on holiday) 
  • English (again, I'm on holiday)
  • Complete study and practice of geography ( again,again, I'm on holiday)
So I thought. I've been really enjoying history. Let's search up some fun history topics to study. It came up with this.

  • Korean war (meh)
  • Franco-Spanish war (mmh)
  • The Crusades (maybe later)
  • Holocaust (interesting, I've been studying that)
So as you may have guessed. I will be 'studying' the Holocaust. I say studying but I'm really just going to be reading Anne Frank's diary and reading up some more info about it. I don't sound interested, but I am. Even though I've been reading Anne Frank's diary, there is still a lot I don't know about the Holocaust in general. Like why is it called the Holocaust?, what started it/what is the reason behind all the suffering? Is it right?. See, there is still a lot I don't know. So I will be updating my knowledge of each question every Sunday. See you then.

Do you know a lot about the Holocaust? Let me know in the comments below.

See you next time,


XOX Juju




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