The brown rice moment + our weird obsession to cure things-Why I dislike veganism

Hi guys, welcome back to my blog,

 So, I know you're probably thinking Juju what the hell are you going to talk about today? 'The brown rice moment?' Really? Well, let me explain. It was a few nights ago when we sat down to have our dinner. My grandmother came round over the half term and she suggested that we should try brown rice. Not going to lie, this was exactly what she said 'brown rice is delicious!' So there we were, at the table, with a pot of brown rice in front of us. Well, it was brown,duh and stodgy like porridge. We served up the rest of our food and started to eat. Well, to put it bluntly, it was disgusting. But was I going to let that show. Phh, no! So I said, 'it's very different'. I could tell my mum hated it when the exact words 'it's very nutty' came out her mouth.
 So come the end of the meal, my dad blurted out 'yeah,let's not have that again'. Then straight away, me,my sister and my mum said 'yeah, that was putrid.' We were waiting for the confirmation of someone else! I ate all of it because I don't like wasting food okay! But did I take a second helping? Phh, no!
 So then obviously, the conversation turned to veganism. Since, it is the latest gimmick for the majority of vegans to eat brown rice. And it's exactly it, 'the latest gimmick'. Because the majority of vegans don't eat brown rice because it's good for them. No they eat it because everyone else is eating it. My parents always say that If you have a good amount of vegetables at every meal then you are living the healthy lifestyle. You don't need vitamin tablets or brown rice to live the healthy lifestyle.
 I also made the point that we have a weird obsession to cure things. Vegans are always going on about how we should not only have a natural diet but also a natural lifestyle. Well in my opinion, they don't exactly practice what they preach. There are things that are going to kill us and that's for a reason. So if that's going to be obesity or living an unhealthy lifestyle than so be it!

What do you think? I know I've babbled on a bit sorry but let me know what you think in the comments below.

See you next time,



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  1. You are right. Brown rice is putrid. I hate it. And I don't care that it's healthier for me. I agree with your mum. A well balanced meal is the best way to get all the nutrients you need.

  2. Haha, this reminds me of the story my parents tell from when I was wee. I ate some biscuits my gran brought out of politeness, and when she asked if I enjoyed them I said "I never want to eat another one of these biscuits ever again" 😂

  3. Haha! I'm glad to know that I'm not alone!


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