The dance tag

Hello Jujubears and welcome to another blog post,

Today, I am going to be doing a tag about dance. I have compiled a bunch of interesting dance questions to put on this post. So let's get on to the blog post.πŸ‘‰

  • What styles of dance do you do?
I do hip hop and ballroom.

  • When did you start dancing.
When I was 4 years old.

  • What was the first style of dance which you did?
My first dance style was ballet.

  • Do you stretch everyday?
Yes, I do about 15 minutes everyday.

  • Were you naturally flexible?
No, I had to work hard to gain my flexibility.

  • Do you want to be a dancer when you're older?
Yes. I want to run a dance school.

  • Is dance tough?
It can be. But if it's something you enjoy, it won't be.

So that was all of my compiled questions. I hope you enjoyed.
Comment down below, what tag you want me to do next.

See you next time,


XOX Juju




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