What I Did in Cromer- Juliette's 3 day journeys

Hello everybody and welcome to another blog post,

The long awaited 3 day journey is coming your way guys! I've been an absolute rebel😎 and I completely forgot to do this 3 day journey post for you guys.( Utter idiot!). But hey it's coming your way today! (Yes after about 5 years Juliette)

So, around Easter time, me and my family decided to go on a short getaway. My sister was going to be starting her GCSE's next month and she was working very hard so my mum thought it would be a good idea to have a break. Not only just for Alice but for me and the rest of my family since we've all been utter angels😇 and working very hard. My mum found this really good holiday club in Cromer that looked great and was for a really good price. So we decided to go there only for a couple of days. Plus it was Norfolk and we love and often travel to Norfolk. The place did not disappoint. It had exactly what it said it had on the website which was a descent sized swimming pool, a Jacuzzi,a sauna, a steam room,a gym and a games room.  We did not end up going to the games room or the gym and the gym was for adults anyway. But that was because we wanted to spend most of our time in the swimming area. The room was really nice. Some might say that it wasn't luxurious but for two days, it was clean,tidy and comfortable which was all we really needed.  When we arrived, we unloaded our luggage and checked in at reception. The staff were really nice! We then went to our room and began to unpack and sort out sleeping arrangements. Then we decided to go out on a walk by the coast. The staff said that there was a footpath at the front of the lot that you can 'promenade' across by the sea. It was cold but beautiful at the same time. Being so far away from the sea, I often forget what it sounds like! We went into the town of Cromer which was pretty boring to be honest! It's not surprising that so many of the elderly live there because the views are quite beautiful to see during retirement.  We went back and went straight to the swimming pool. In the evening, we watched some of the Merlin DVDs that we brought with us. We also ate burgers! The next day was spent at the pool. I went in the jacuzzi which was nice! Then I tried their sauna and steam room for the first time. I was so relaxed.😌 We ate Cromer's crab for lunch which was nice. Then went straight back to the pool. In the evening, we ate dinner and continued to watch Merlin. This was a dream short holiday and one that I would 100% recommend.

Chat to me about anything you want down in the comments! I haven't really got a question to ask today. Btw, thanks for sticking by. I know this blog post was a long one!

Bye guys👋,


For more info on the packing and the location check out this blog post:

What else do I have to share?🙊
My book review blog📓(I am determined to finish reading Arthur!)-https://jujupage1sbookreviews.blogspot.co.uk
My YouTube channel🎥-  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKEX1pHN4sytO9Kp4epXuHQ



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