Zip lining over a canyon!- Croatia adventures

Hello everybody and welcome back to my blog,

After being beached out and after having basically visited the places we wanted to, we woke up one morning unable to decide what we wanted to do that day. So my dad took to Facebook and found in a little town where children and adults were given the opportunity to zip-line over a canyon. Me and my sister said yes, since it was a rare opportunity. Subsequently, we packed up our things, and left to go zip-lining.

On the way there, we stopped off at a vineyard, since my mum,my grandad, and my dad all wanted to taste some wine. My parents asked if there was a good place to eat at the town and the owner of the vineyard recommended the hotel restaurant. After that, we set off for the town.

Admittedly, it wasn't quite as beautiful as some of the venetian towns we have visited before and it had an ex-Soviet Union vibe to it. Unable to decipher where we were, we decided it was a good idea to walk around. In the process of doing so, we managed to find the zip-line that went across the deep canyon. There wasn't really anything else to do, so we headed back to the car and drove to the restaurant, which was right by the zip-line.

We got to the restaurant and I ordered Croatian pasta with lots of cheese which was delicious and to drink I had a natural lemonade. 

In all honesty, our hearts were in our mouths when we saw how high the zip-line was, but I was still raring to go. I took two long lines since I wanted the full experience and my sister took the two shorter lines. We waited forty minutes for our turn then we got strapped in and ready by the line.

It was a great experience and one that I will truly remember. Although I was a bit apprehensive about the height, I  was so glad that I stepped out of my comfort zone and now I think I can do more things involving heights in the future.  

Our last activity of the day was going to visit this really old church in a village. In order to get into the church, we had to knock on a lady's door so that she could unlock the doors of the church and guide us around. What was special about this church was that they found a layer of 14th century religious paintings under another layer of paint over it. It amazing to see and a really rare experience.

Have you ever stepped out of your comfort zone? Let me know in the comments below and I will be sure to reply to them.

See you next time,


XOX, Juliette

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