How to use your face more in dance- Dance Saturday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,

 Dance is an excellent art form for expressing yourself and your emotions. These expressions not only occur in the body, but also in the face. Over the 7 years that I've been dancing, I've seen many different types of dancers. Those who dance well in the body and use their face to exaggerate the movements. Those who perhaps forget the steps that they're doing in the dance but are not afraid to use their face. Then lastly, like me for a long time, those who dance well in the body but forget to use their face. The last one is certainly not uncommon. Especially as teenagers, we may find it awkward to do a sassy or funny face because we think that others may find it weird. However, by using our faces not only does it express every emotion in every movement, but it also makes you look confident and stand out to the crowd. Although I am better at this now, there have been times where I've found it difficult.

 As some of you may know, before the summer, I had to do my first ever dance exam by myself. It was a huge challenge but something that I am also so proud of having done because it has taught me a lot. Throughout the whole thing, I really tried my hardest to use my face and my teacher and even the principal were watching and I could tell they really enjoyed my performance. This just goes to show that by using your face, you can really involve your audience in your routine which makes a massive difference.

Using your face is really just about building your confidence up. This sounds really stupid but it actually works. One thing that my old dance teacher Sophie recommended was to look into a mirror and pull off a face that you would use in that specific routine we were doing. Often when you are dancing its not that you don't want to use your face it's just that you don't know how to. By using this technique you master a specific face that you can use in your routine which really helps.

A lot of the time you will find that because you concentrate so much on getting the steps right that you forget to use your face. Often for me after class, I would keep practicing the moves so that I was confident in doing them and that I could concentrate on using my face more. You've also just got to get it in your mind that you know the steps so there's no need to worry about them.

Are there any more tips you would like to add? Let me know in the comments below and I will be sure to reply to them.

See you next time,


XOX, Juliette

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