How difficult is it to live without plastic? - Writing Wednesday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,

I read this great article from my local village newsletter about this woman who tried to live an entire month without plastic. I don't read the newsletter often because I don't usually find interesting articles in it. I would modestly consider it as something tailored more towards old people! But my mum was talking about this particular article and I decided it was worth a read. 

We go on and on about how we should use less plastic without thinking about the many useful things that are actually wrapped in plastic. In the article, the author Catherine Burch, states that she could only buy wine,beer,posh chocolate in cardboard packets, eggs, and a couple of over-ripe tangerines. For her family of 5 people at dinner, there was nothing to cook. Coming to think of it, there are so many things you cannot buy because it's all wrapped in plastic. Sliced or whole loaves of bread, milk cartons with the plastic cap, fruit and vegetables with plastic packaging,meat with plastic packaging, and packets of crisps. How are the consumers supposed to stop using plastic when the suppliers are using it on everything? 

When I went on holiday to France, they had an entirely different system. They lashed out all the different fruit and veg in wooden baskets and allowed the consumers to pick out the fruit and veg themselves. I also know that in America, you put all the food that you need into paper bags and you take it home. This is all proof that it is possible to change the way suppliers package their food.

Catherine states that "it is quite depressing how much our lives are wrapped up in plastic." I totally agree. Especially for those on the poorer end of the spectrum who can't afford to get the "posh chocolate wrapped in cardboard" and who have a family to feed. To me it seems totally ludicrous.

Catherine had to resort to getting milk in glass bottles delivered by the milk man, making her own yogurt, getting the bread maker to make bread, and making her own halloumi. This all brought money out of her allowance. Something poorer families can't afford to do.

What's more is fellow bloggers are just promoting the wrong message. After seeing a blog about someone doing plastic free July, Catherine took up the challenge herself. Originally, the blog promoted how great and easy the challenge was but we all know now that to do it properly, it took a little bit more effort. Going plastic free is difficult and we need to make people aware of that and try not to sugar-coat it.

What can we do to make the food industry more environmentally friendly? I know that they're thinking of using bees wax to package food. Let me know your suggestions in the comments below. I ♡ hearing from you! 

I've also created a playlist on my YouTube channel with videos promoting a better environment. Some of them you would have seen on my blog and others are new. Please check it out on the playlist section of my channel and educate yourselves about the dangers. Thank you!


XOX, Juliette

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