How I'm preparing for my dance medal test in December- Dance Saturday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,

As some of you may know, I will be taking another medal test in December doing ballroom and street. I know that some of you guys may be doing the same so I just wanted to share a few tips with you guys to help you on your way! Let's get started.

  • Repetition-I think that whenever you want to master a choreography, it's really important to keep practicing and keep running it through just for movement memory.
  • Run the routine through in front of someone- I know that with my medal tests, I have to dance the routine by myself so it's really important to practice the routine in front of a friend or family member so you know what to expect.
  • Practice in front of a mirror- This helps me because I can see if I'm using enough of my face or not.
  • Ask for the music- Before every medal test, I always ask for the music used so I can really visualise what it's going to be like and so that I can run the routine through properly.
  • Film yourself and look back over it- This really helps you to see if your doing the moves and steps correctly.
Have you got any other tips to share? Let me know in the comments below and I will be sure to reply to them. I ♡ hearing from you!

See you Monday for another lifestyle post,



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