Iceland's controversial advert tells us everything we need to know about palm oil- Writing Wednesday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,

Earlier last week, my sister told me about this advert that Iceland made which stated that their products were going to have zero palm oil in them. Me and my family have only recently found out about the devastation palm oil can cause to the habitat of orangutans. To get palm oil, you need to take away all the trees because it's a big business that needs lots of space. This has fueled rainforest destruction in places like Indonesia and Malaysia which together account for 85% of the world's palm oil production. You can find palm oil in practically anything like baked goods (e.g. cookies,puff pastry, bread,crisps, and chocolate) as well as in soaps and shampoos. There is no escaping it. But as always, there are 2 sides to every story.

Many of the people who work in the palm oil industry are extremely poor and are desperate to grasp any money they can find. Many have families that they need to look after so they cannot afford to not work in the industry, especially since it's big business. It is also promoted as a way to develop poorer countries. Not only this, but there has been signs of child labour.  Many children are made to carry large loads of heavy fruit; a massive attack against people's basic human rights. The children are probably also providing for their poorer families. 

Why has the advert caused so much controversy? Well, adverts are supposed to be all about promoting a brand's product. Many people feared that the advert contained too many political ideas. Although Iceland was stating in the advert that they were manufacturing their products with zero palm oil, for those who disagree, it can be a massive attack. This is due to the fact that adverts cannot promote a particular ideology. 

Iceland food

Today, I found out that the advert was banned from airing on TV. Although I understand where people are coming from, palm oil has been such a hot topic and we keep on saying how companies should do more. The fact that Iceland is taking the chance of creating, in my opinion, an educational advert, looks to be a step in the right direction to a safer, more efficient environment. I also believe that we need to give the workers a better alternative like eco-tourism and not just rip away their only source of income. 

How can we make the industry better? Do you agree with the advert being banned? Let me know in the comments below and I will be sure to reply to them. I ♡ hearing from you!

See you Saturday for another dance post,


XOX, Juliette

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  1. I don't think that the advertisement should be banned. Forests being cut down for resources is a huge problem, and we need to to do our part to help. I think that that is a good way to spread awareness about an important topic that needs to be talked about.

    1. I do understand why people would be against it but with so many trees being cut down and the potential of losing another species, we need to do all we can to spread awareness.


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