Never feel ashamed to voice your opinion and never let anyone steal your mind-#jumpintomonday- Lifestyle Monday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,

I don't know if people outside of Britain have something like this in schools but here we have a thing called conference day which is a day where you learn something unconventional and would probably not do in normal everyday lessons. For this conference day, the topic was life skills.  In this one part of the day, we learnt about mental health and depression. Why this had anything to do with life skills, I do not know. It was going pretty smoothly at first. They were talking about what effects mental health problems had on people and those around them and why it's important to speak about these sorts of things. Then as the teacher flicked over to the next slide, things turned sour pretty quickly. This slide was labelled "Things you cannot say incase it offends someone with a mental health problem." Now some of the words I could understand why they were mentioned like "psycho" and "idiot" but it also depends on the context the person is saying those things in. For example, if I was getting annoyed at my phone and shouted "oh you idiot" that cannot be offending anyone because I'm not directing it at anyone in particular. There were also things said like you cannot mention the word "mental" in a sentence because apparently, that's offensive. When they used the word mental in previous slides to describe the mental illness. The thing that made me the most annoyed about this slide though was that it said "Things you cannot say." We live in a society where we can say what we want and if we tell someone otherwise, we are going against the freedom of speech which is a basic human right. You may think what someone is saying is totally outrageous but you cannot stop them from saying it. If they're breaking other people's human rights then there will be consequences to what they have said, but you cannot stop them from saying what they have to say. So at that moment in time, I just said to myself "I can say what I want and they will not steal my mind."

Thoughts? Let me know in the comments below and I will be sure to reply to them. I ♡ hearing from you!

See you next time,


XOX, Juliette

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  1. Here in New York, we have this thing called "advisory" where we learn about that kind of stuff. We have it every two weeks or so. I feel like when they said, "Things You Shouldn't Say," it was just a general guideline.

    1. Thanks Serena for the comment. I understand where you're coming from and perhaps it was a general guideline. But in my opinion, some of the biggest and most dangerous events in history all started by someone making a few guidelines and rules about what you can and cannot say. You do have a point though. :)

    2. I also see it from your way. Freedom of speech is a fundamental right, and people can say whatever they want without fear of punishment. I think both are valid points.

    3. Yes, totally, both perspectives are just as valid!


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