The 2 worst school trips I've been on- storytime- Lifestyle Monday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,

I have been on some terrible school trips throughout my time at secondary school. One was a language trip where I visited a fake town. The other was a canal trip where all we did was opening and closing locks. Want to hear the full stories? Please keep on reading.

I think it was in year 8 when I went on this languages trip. Not many people I knew went but I still had my good friend Emma to sit next to on the bus. Firstly, the drive there was like 2 hours long so by the time we actually got to the place, I was expecting something good. When we got inside the building, we went inside this room and did a French quiz which was really boring. Then we were told a few safety measures. We were also told that they hired an actor to pretend to be a robber and steal all the fake food from the shop and we had to try and find him. We were given a list of French and German things and we had to go to the different fake places in the fake town to try and figure out what they were. After we finished that activity, there were these people who made crepes for us in the fake kitchen which we ate. While we were eating,  the "robber" pitched up and we were told to catch him which was easy because he didn't try to run away. Then we finished by going on the 2 hour trip back home!

The next trip was a 5 day residential. My sister had warned me about this trip but I stupidly went anyway because I thought she was just exaggerating. It was in a place called Warwickshire and the school had hired some canal boats for us to stay in. Again, we drove quite a long way so I was expecting something good. Unfortunately, not only did I have to stay with 2 bossy teachers, I also had to stay with these girls that I did not like. The only person that I was okay with was my friend Jin-yu. Everyone else I highly disliked. What made it worse was that we were on canal boats, so they were cramped and we got on each others nerves. We got on the boat, unloaded our luggage and food and set off. It was alright at first, until we got to the first lock. From there on then it was non-stop on and off the boat. The whole trip, the teachers did nothing but move a stick to steer the boat. Not only that, but at the end of a long day of tirelessly opening and closing locks, we had the make the food for us and the teachers. No one one on the boat apart from me and my friend could actually cook anything so in the end, we ended up making all the food!

Do you have a terrible school trip that you've been on? Let me know in the comments below and I will be sure to reply to them. I ♡ hearing from you!

See you next time,



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