Blogmas day 16- Sick on the holidays!

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,

Great, I have a cold! I've been feeling run down ever since I finished the school term. It's a bit annoying really since my God brother and sister came over from France. They arrived at around 9:00pm on Thursday. They were going to eat with us so me and my sister had to wait for them to arrive from Heathrow airport which is about an hour and thirty minutes from our house. I think they were expecting our house to be closer. Never the less, they arrived and we ate the pasta bake my mum had made us whilst reminiscing about the old days and how much we've grown. We talked for a little longer then, because I was so sick, I decided to go to bed. It was around 10 to 11 anyway. 

The next day was a Friday and I woke up at about 8:00am with an extremely parched throat. I had to scramble for my water bottle just to quench my thirst. I hadn't slept the best but I didn't feel too bad anyway. I watched a bit of YouTube and it was about 9:00am when everybody else had woken up. Me and my sister Alice decided to share a room with my God sister Marion. It was a bit hot in my room because it was quite cramped. However, we all got up and went downstairs to have breakfast. I had a cup of tea with some toast and jam. To aid my cold I also had a lemon and ginger tea with some vitamins that you put in water that are really sour. Life is bliss! Haha. I helped my my God brother, Romain and Marion find their way around the kitchen since they didn't know where everything was but they soon got the gist. I said goodbye to my dad since he was going to pick up my other God brother, Thomas, who is 21 from the airport. He had to make his own way to England since there was complications with flights. It would be around 1:30pm when they would arrive, there were big delays at the airport.

In the meantime, me and my sister decided to go on a walk with Romain and Marion so that we could give them a small tour of our village. There wasn't much to see, we went to the Co-op to get some tissues and then we went to see the church. As we did so, we walked past some British cottages. Very different to the layout of houses in France! Whilst we were walking, I kept coughing and I had a sniffly nose and watery eyes. I tried to bury my face in my snude but it didn't really help. When we got home, I crashed out on the bed. 

We were called down for lunch which was just a selection of salads and deli meats. We sat down at the table and ate. I couldn't get a word in edge ways since my throat was incredibly soar, it had calmed down a bit though after the walk outside. 

I then started to watch a bit of Elf with Marion and Romain until we heard the doorbell ring and Thomas came. Marion, Romain, Thomas, Alice and my dad all went out to Cambridge whilst I stayed at home since I was still feeling a little under the weather. I watched the rest of Elf and I also watched Mr Popper's Penguins. Love that movie! 

Then I had a bath. I watched some YouTube in the bath and caught up on Zoe Sugg's vlogmases. After, everyone returned from Cambridge and we had dinner which was a roast dinner and for desert, we had chocolate pavlova. Delicious! We then talked some more and then I went to bed. 

The day you'll be reading this, I will hopefully be in London. Will be blogging all about that!

What is your favourite thing to do when you're ill? Let me know in the comments below and I'll be sure to reply to them. I ♡ hearing from you!

See you next time,


XOX, Juliette

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