Is trophy hunting an acceptable thing to do?- Writing Wednesday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,

A couple weeks ago, I watched a documentary by Louis Theroux which was about trophy hunting in Africa. Louis Theroux is renowned for making documentaries on controversial topics. He is excellent at filming these documentaries without imposing too much of his own opinion on the subject. If you have time to watch this, I really recommend you do because some of the things I saw were shocking and I was stunned that people were not ashamed by their actions. This is what I'm going to talk about today but if you want to watch the documentary, I'll leave the link below. It's truly worth the watch.

The first place that Louis visited was a house owned by hunters from Ohio. Unable to hunt anything considered to be interesting in their own country, they went to South Africa to hunt there. They hunt things from wild boar to zebras. One lady that they interviewed was cautious at first to do the hunting, but once she managed to kill a deer, she found that she was more into it. I was shocked that she was peer pressured into doing this or even hung out with her husband who was a trophy Hunter. This is a classic way people start to see animals as objects instead of living beings.

The next place that Louis visited was a place where they brought up wild animals in captivity so that they could be let out in the reserve in future to be killed by trophy hunters. Although they physically brought these animals up instead of allowing hunters to kill animals that live in the wild, I still disagree with it. It's still not getting rid of the fact that people are still viewing animals as objects instead of living beings. If people still abstain that attitude, they'll always be killing animals for the wrong reasons in my opinion.

In the end, they filmed all the trophy hunters in the area gather together as a group to show off all the animals they have killed. I was shocked because the atmosphere was light and happy, completely ignoring the fact that they killed so many beautiful animals like zebras. In reality, if this is all going to change, the law would have to change because there's nothing stopping these people from doing this. However, it would take time because it would have to involve an an entire continent working together and that doesn't happen over night.

What do you think of trophy hunting? Is it an acceptable thing to do? Let me know in the comments below and I'll be sure to reply to them. I ♡ hearing from you!

Here is my video from my trip to China Town in London.

Jujupage1s Channel

See you next time,


XOX, Juliette

The documentary:
Louis Theroux and trophy hunting

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  1. Anonymous20/2/19 11:40

    Trophy hunting helps to control the outlaws in the species. The hunters spend months planning who will be their prey. They always shoose an animal that is old, aggressive and in some cases can be causing a riot in its own species. Also the trophy hunting business creates a lot of economic value to those poor countries in Africa. Without trophy hunting, people in those areas wouldn't be able to get enough money which can lead to many problems.

    1. Not always. Although some hunters may choose old or ill animals, the majority of them don't and that's a major problem. To those hunters who choose to hunt straight in a reserve, they can potentially be killing off an entire species. Even if they do hunt old or ill animals, they will still have an ill mindset to how they treat animals because they're doing it for their own benefit, for an adrenaline rush. This is where humans can start treating animals like objects instead of living beings. For me, I'll eat the meat from farm animals, but I don't see the point, nor do I think it's right to kill a wild African animal unless it was completely necessary. Sorry, but I'll have to disagree with your point.

  2. Anonymous20/2/19 14:24

    This is different from the meat industry killing animals how??

  3. Good question. The meat industry farms animals with a symbiotic relationship which means that in return for the good treatment we give them, they are killed for their meat for our consumption. However, when it comes to hunting animals which are not farmed, there is no symbiotic relationship. Animals are just killed for an adrenaline rush and there is nothing that we give back to them. Plus even if the animals were farmed, there is no point in farming all the animals in the world when the majority of us don't need to. Farm animals like cows and pigs provide the majority of us with the food we need. Killing more than that will mean that we're doing it for our own purposes rather than for practical reasons. I understand that there are some African tribes who thrive from the wild African animals but they do that because they need to. That's the difference.

    1. Anonymous20/2/19 21:56

      What so if we feed them, which for humans is one of our MINIMAL 'rights' we have the right to kill them? But would animals, it's different..? What about wild pigs/boars - if we domesticated them then we can kill them?

    2. To be entirely honest, yes. However, my point is it wouldn't be right to farm and kill all the animals in the world for our own benefit when we really don't need to. We got all the food we need from the animals we farm already. We don't need more. Plus, trophy hunters hunt for the prize not because they need the meat or otherwise they'll go hungry. I just personally don't think it's fair for that reason.

    3. Some interesting points made though.

  4. Just for clarification, when I'm saying if we farm all the animals in the world we will be doing that for our own purposes, I mean that we will be farming them when we don't need to rather than doing it because we need to which is considered as more of a practical reason.

  5. Plus it's good to see at least some animals in the wild instead of them all being used for us.


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