Some key dance skills i'm hoping to achieve + happy 2 year bloggiversary- Dance Saturday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,

First and foremost I would like to thank you guys out there for supporting me for the past 2 years on my blog. I completely forgot it was my bloggiversary, it should have really been announced on the 14th, the exact date I started but it doesn't matter because we're celebrating it now. Around two years ago because I haven't been keeping exact track, at 12 I began blogging. I've always been so passionate for writing that my mum came up with the idea of starting a blog. One day, on my dad's birthday, we went to Norfolk to celebrate and that's when me and my mum went on the Blogger website and created my very own page. It looks a lot different now but back then, with such little experience in this field, I found it amazing. I believe, correct me if I'm wrong, that my first post was a what I eat in a day post. Back then, it was only a bit of fun but it has now become one of my most viewed and most popular posts on my blog. Apart from my post about fighting fear which has now received over 100 views, wow, it has been really successful. I am also so glad that many of you have decided to also follow me on Instagram. Ever since I started my blog, I've been increasing in followers. I have now attained over 800 followers and the list is still going. However, I can dwell so much on why you guys deserve a massive THANK YOU but I think that we'll be here until the next solar eclipse! Lol, bit of an exaggeration! But if I haven't mentioned it yet, THANK YOU, without you guys, I wouldn't be where I am today. :)

On to what we came here for today. There's been a lot of skills that I've seen other dancers do that I'm really in awe about and wish that I could do so guess what? I'm going to do just that. Every Dance Saturday on my blog I will be updating you on my progress with the skills I've listed below. Hope you enjoy!

  • The first skill I would like to get is quite simple but one that I've been struggling on for years and that is double pirouettes. For some weird reason, I find it really easy to do back walkovers and acro tricks than I find getting up on one leg  and spinning so I am determined to get this. However my hopes aren't that high I'm struggling to even do one! 😂
  • The next skill is a front walk over. Now, I had this nailed a couple years ago but now I've seemed to have lost it completely. I can get over just fine it's just I struggle getting up! My core seems to fail me all the time. Perhaps that's what I need to work on.
  • The third trick, I don't know the technical term for it but it's a sort of jump into splits. Not a leap but it's where you swing either your left or your right leg round and jump down into the splits on the floor. I've seen a few dancers do this and I thought it looked really cool.👌
  • The last skill I would like to try and achieve is a tilt. I can sort of do this now but I need more flexibility in my hips and legs to really extend that leg up high.
What are some of your tips for me to help me achieve these skills? Let me know in the comments below and I'll be sure to reply to them. I ♡ hearing from you!

See you next time,


XOX, Juliette

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