How did my first GCSE go?- Writing Wednesday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,

On Monday, I sat my first actual GCSE exam for RE. I have two tests for RE, beliefs and practices which is about religion and thematic studies which is more about philosophical topics such as abortion and euthanasia. This year, unlike previous years, year 10 is allowed to take RE early instead of year 11 which I think is good because it's one less GCSE to worry about and I'm really not at all religious. However, on Monday afternoon, I sat my beliefs and practices exam which in the end didn't go awful but I think, to be honest, I was expecting it to go a lot better than it actually did. There are 2 papers to complete in an hour and 45 minutes, one on Christianity and the other on Islam. Each of them contain 12 written questions (1,2,4,5,12 mark questions) so that is 24 questions as a whole and I completed 21 of those questions. One question I probably could have answered because it was on the day of Ashura and despite the fact I did buckets of revision on that Islamic celebration before hand, I had a massive mind blank and forgot what it was. Turns out it was the celebration of the martyrdom of Hussein. I also was pushed for time on the other two questions but I wisely chose to do the 12 mark instead of the 4 and 5 because I missed out the 12 mark in my mock and I ended up losing a lot of marks so I didn't do that this time. Really, it wasn't an awful attempt and I'm not religious in the slightest so it doesn't really amount to anything in the future but you can't help feeling a tiny bit rubbish after it. When I came home straight after the exam, me and my mum went for a walk around the village which really helped to clear my mind from all the rubbish that was in my head. On the day you're reading this I have a maths mock which I feel like I'm prepared for because I did actually do revision for it with my dad. I just think it's all a case of believing in myself because I know more than I think I just need to know how to apply that knowledge onto an exam paper. Hopefully I do a little better on the themes paper next Monday. I feel like it's a bit more up my street since it's more about philosophy and I like making constructive arguments on things. 

Have you done any exams recently? What are some of your tips for dealing with stress? Let me know in the comments below and I'll be sure to reply to them. I ♡ hearing from you!

See you next time,


XOX, Juliette

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New first impressions post on If This Is A Woman by Sarah Helm. Go check it out now  see what you think of the book! 



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