How I've dealt with bullying- Lifestyle Monday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,

Today, I decided to talk about something that I've never really talked about on my blog before and that is bullies. I don't know really what motivated me or propelled me to make this post but I know it's something that I've definitely been through and I know that my advice can hopefully help others out there who are struggling with this. I can't really remember exactly what happened but when I started primary school, I was bullied. I don't remember the exact details but I think that they were just saying nasty things to me and as a young girl who was really desperate and excited to start school just like her big sister, it really took a toll on me. I didn't really talk about it to my parents but I think that subconsciously, I did want to let them know that something was wrong so one day, I came home after school with a packed lunch box still full of food. My mum asked me why I had not eaten anything and being a terrified 4 year old, I instantly ran upstairs to my mum and dad's bedroom and hid under the covers. My dad followed me upstairs and went into the room and hid under the covers too where I eventually,I think just confessed everything. Being so young, my parents were probably shocked but I remember them being really understanding and they immediately got the school involved. It took a while for them to nip things in the bud, and to this day, I wish that they did more but eventually it all stopped. Good thing too because even my sister, who was witnessing this happening in and out of school, was getting upset about it. It just goes to show what the power of speaking out about this, can have on a whole entire situation. Throughout my years of school, I've never really had a strong foundational group of friends and its always been a bit up and down. I'm not as lucky as my older sister, who has kept friends from back in primary school. However, the positive aspect to having experienced bullying at such a young age is that I knew how to deal with it earlier than some other people. Speaking out won't solve everything but it will eventually get the problem solved and you'll feel a lot better about it because a problem shared is a problem halved!

Have you ever experienced bullying or mean people that have tried to put you down? Let me know in the comments below and I'll be sure to reply to them. I ♡ hearing from you!

See you next time,


XOX, Juliette

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