A day out in South Kensington - Lifestyle Monday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,

Yesterday, I went out to London with my sister, to go to have lunch and visit the V&A. When we arrived in London, we took the tube from Kings Cross, all the way to South Kensington which took us about 20 minutes. When we arrived, we used Google Maps to find the cafe. It was called Mauriel's Kitchen. The food served was really nice and the staff seemed really friendly. I had a full English breakfast and my sister had banana pancakes. We both decided to have a berry smoothie to drink along side it.

After lunch, we walked down to the V&A, since my sister needed to take some photos for her art coursework. On the way there, we took some photos and we walked past the Natural History Museum. I need to go there next time!

The V&A overall, was amazing. The entrance way had a massive sculpture of snakes hanging from the ceiling and it kind of looked like pulled sugar. We also saw a lot of Arabian artwork like calligraphy and printed tiles. In the middle of the Arabian artwork section, was a giant tapestry, which was nearly the size of the whole room lengthwise. We also saw a sculpture of an elephant and it looked really cute. 

After that, we walked past the Korean section, where there were giant China vases with beautiful print on them. We then went up a level and walked past an old staircase, the jewelry section, before finishing with the print artwork where my sister needed to take some photos or artists' work.

Overall, I really enjoyed my short day out to London and I hope to visit there again.

What's your favourite museum to go to? Let me know in the comments below and I'll be sure to reply to them. I ♡ hearing from you!

See you next time,


XOX, Juliette

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