Representation and sheep - Writing Wednesday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,

I've just been thinking about this recently, as I've noticed it's something that a lot of people do. In school and in the outside world, we're constantly told about representation. We're constantly told about being a role model to others and being an inspiration to those who do not yet believe in themselves. Personally, I think that's brilliant because it makes people stand up and take responsibility for those who don't have a voice. However, I do think that it can go too far because at the end of the day, we're all going to be different and one person does not speak for all. Just like a king or queen that used to make decisions on the behalf of everybody without even consulting them. They did not speak for all, like a feminist doesn't speak on behalf of all women. It's also fair enough, if you as the listener, have educated yourself on why you choose to follow a leader's values. If you have thoroughly analysed what they're saying and truly respect what they do, then you have the up most right to believe in them. However, I fear that far too many of us are just blindly following people because it sounds right. Yet, when we're not sure what they're doing is right, we should be asking questions. We should never stay silent because it's communally acceptable not to ask why something is the way it is. If it's a simple question, it can never be an imperative demand. It's important not to be the sheep to the shepherd and it's important to as well as looking up to other people, you're proud of looking up to yourself. You own your own mind and thoughts and you should be allowed to express them and take advantage of a basic freedom that people in the past longed to have. It's sadly, something were trying to do but are not quite succeeding at.

Image by Catherine Stockinger from Pixabay

Image by Sasin Tipchai from Pixabay

Is it right to be the sheep to the shepherd or is it right to believe in your own opinions? Let me know in the comments below and I'll be sure to reply to them. I ♡ hearing from you!

See you next time,


XOX, Juliette


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