The injured deer survived a year! - Lifestyle Monday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,

Around a year and a bit ago, we saw a deer coming into our garden. Living in the Fens and having our garden next to a field, often means that we get a lot of deeds coming into our garden. We even had a rabbit come and eat our vegetables, which my parents obviously weren't too happy about. We suspected it was a pet or something as we get a lot of hares in the field but not rabbits and none of them really come into our garden anyways. However, when we saw the deer that day, unlike any other deer this one was injured. It was injured quite severely on the leg as it was bleeding and it also had lost part of it. It looked really bad so initially, I thought it would be a good idea to perhaps ring a firm, to see if there would be a possibility that they would be able to do something. However, after closer consideration, we decided to just leave it. These muntjac deers must injure themselves all the time because they're wild animals and they have to deal with danger everyday. It is possible that this particular deer injured itself on some equipment left out in the field or it was attacked by a predator. Either way, we were happy to let it eat the apples from the tree and surprisingly, it wasn't the first time it came. It also came back one winter, to sit under the tree and it also walked out reluctantly as my mum was sitting in the garden having her breakfast! Now, a year on, it's still here, with the distinct injured right leg, now healed over. Sometimes, nature is strong enough to hold its own. We don't always require human intervention. 

Do you have wildlife wondering through your area? Let me know in the comments below and I'll be sure to reply to them. I ♡ hearing from you!

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See you next time, 


XOX, Juliette

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