The Christmas holidays + Strictly Come Dancing winner- Blogmas day 6

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,

I genuinely cannot wait for the Christmas holidays to start. When you're reading this, this time next week will be Christmas day. I've been so caught up in school and other things that I kind of forgot about that. Time seriously flies when you're not having fun. I'm usually quite perky even until the last minute but for some reason, like a lot of my classmates, I've just been wanting to stare at the wall for the whole day. It didn't help that my dad, my mum, and my sister were all ill for the past week so I've just been trying to chug down soluble vitamins so I actually develop some sort of immunity. A lot of my friends have also been ill and have also had to take days off school so I guess something's going around. I just think it's a sign that the end is near and we're basically all completely drained. I will be doing small amounts of regular work, just to keep my memory going for the exams but I'm definitely not going to over-kill like I did before. The brain can only take so much at this point. However, I'm looking forward to celebrating Christmas with my family. I think we've got some friends coming over on Christmas Eve next Tuesday and maybe Boxing Day but regardless, I'm basically just going to try and relax. I've already watched Five Feet Apart, as it's finally come out on Netflix, as well as A Christmas Prince. It's a really trashy film but I kind of love it. I know that's the world's biggest oxymoron (I know English😂) but it's true. I feel like that's the case of most Christmas films. Read my previous post because I literally say that Christmas films are "trashy but great," like a million times.


Anyway, I need to say congratulations to Kelvin and Oti for winning this year's series of Strictly Come Dancing. I think that all the dancers really tried their best but I can understand why the public voted for Kelvin because his show dance really was great. I liked the idea of mixing all the different styles of dance he did together, I thought that was really original and unique. However I'm also happy for Karim and Amy and Emma and Anton, since I think that it was both Amy and Anton's first ever finals. Really I was happy with whoever won because each dancer deserved it in their own respective right.

BBC Strictly Come Dancing

What are you doing over the Christmas holidays? Let me know in the comments below and I'll be sure to reply to them. I ♡ hearing from you!

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See you next time,


XOX, Juliette


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