My honest reviews of the Greatest Dancer 2020 - Dance Saturday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, 

Recently, I watched the Greatest Dancer on TV with my mum. Overall, the performances I saw were good. The performance that Lily and Joseph made was technically on point and for their age, they were doing really advanced movements like aerials and leaps. I also think that the street duo, Ross and Travis, gave a really strong performance. Their synchronicity and timing was on point, considering how fast the music was. However, I can't help but think that if many of these dancers were perhaps on a different show like Britain's Got Talent, that they would get critiqued on how original their performances were. It's not to say that their dances were bad because many of the things that these dancers did I can't even do but there wasn't anything that was different about them and I think that because it's purely a dance programme, people find it difficult to come up with new choreography. The only original dancer I saw was Jake, who incorporated Irish dance with Beyoncés hip hop. It's probably not to everyone's taste but it was different and I think that's why the audience liked it. Obviously there was the ballroom and Latin duo, Michael and Jowita, who gave a strong performance with there daring lifts. However, I can't lie ans say it's my favourite show. I think when I saw Ellie Ferguson's performance, I expected many of the dancers to be on that level of performance but I didn't really see that to be honest. I'm sure as the competition progresses though, many of the dancers would have grown and matured with the guidance of the dance captains so I will look out for that!

The Greatest Dancer

What do you think of the Greatest Dancer? Let me know in the comments below and I'll be sure to reply to them. I ♡ hearing from you! 

See you next time, 


XOX, Juliette

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