Our population is affecting every aspect of our planet - Writing Wednesday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, 

Mass production, fossil fuels, greenhouse gases, climate change. These are all things that reign in on our conscience in the media. If we think about where we get our food, the first place our minds seem to go to are the shops. We don't ever think about the factories or the farms or the fields and the millions and millions of trees, acres and acres of land that all get consumed by our need meat, vegetables, grain, wheat, and fruit. When we think of fossil fuels and our greenhouse gas emissions, we pity our daily use of our cars to go to work and school, as well as the simple heating that protects us from the bitter cold or the switch of a light that brightens up the darkness. We don't ever think about how dependent we are on our cars, gas, and electricity. We don't question what's perhaps causing this dependency on food and transport. Because, whilst we're dealing with these problems as separate issues we're forgetting one collective impact. We're 7 billion and counting and that really should worry us. Our biggest blessing and our biggest freedom, is the ability to have children of our own. No one can deny that privilege to anyone. However, when there are approximately 360,000 births each day and nearly 15,000 births per hour, we begin to question whether we're helping the next generation at all. The more people there are on the planet, the more people need food, transport, and electricity, which means that more greenhouse gases are emitted into our atmosphere. Whilst doctors, nurses, and medical students all work tirelessly to save lives so that families and friends are not left in grief, it does mean that more people survive things that they perhaps would not have done so in the past. The more technology evolves, the longer people live and the less space there is on the planet. We're working against the laws of biology so we're surviving and even thriving but it's probably our biggest fatal flaw. I for one value my own life, like many other people but how can we stop the drastic increase in our population without denying people's freedom that they should be entitled to have. It's a difficult and delicate subject matter but there is no denying that our population size is our main issue for the future and if we don't stop it, we simply cannot all live on this planet at once.

How can we successfully control our population size? Let me know in the comments below and I'll be sure to reply to them. I ♡ hearing from you! 

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See you next time, 


XOX, Juliette

Watch the Chris Packham documentary on the world's population here! This was what this post was based on so I would recommend that you watch it because it's balanced and interesting! 👇

7.7 Billion People and Counting

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TEDx Talks

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