Your value doesn't decrease based on someone's inability to see your worth - 1 Year To Get To College (Post 13) - Writing Wednesday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, 

When people say that interviews can go both ways, believe them. I've been talking a lot about this competitive sixth form college that I've been really trying hard to get to. I went to their open evening and the students seemed really nice and the subjects actually seemed quite interesting. Consequently, I was really quite interested in going there. I went to this other sixth form that I was initially quite interested in, which does the International Baccalaureate, as they offered small taster sessions for year 10 students and I really wanted to go. I was quite disappointed as some of the subjects initially seemed quite wishy washy and not clear and their punctuality was not great, so this other competitive college seemed like the best place to go. Some people I knew really well, also expressed an interest in going there so I thought I could go there too. However, I was really unimpressed by the interview they gave. Firstly, it was a timed interview. I understand that the man probably had a lot of people to speak to that day but he wasn't even being discrete about him setting a timer on his phone. Secondly, all we talked about for the whole interview were my grades. Grades are very important but a number on a page does not necessarily highlight all the hard work I put in to try and achieve that. Thirdly, I could tell that he didn't even read my personal statement as there were quite a few gaps in his knowledge. In comparison, I went to my other sixth form college that does the IB and it was really great. The lady who interviewed me, we knew quite well because she's a singer in one of my dad's friend's band. She was quite pleased with my grades and even said that I've got the required grades to do the six subjects that the IB diploma program offers. She was also massively interested in my dancing background, work experience, and the job I wanted to potentially have in the future. There was nothing mechanical or overly structured about the interview at all. A couple students came to talk to us and they seemed like really bright people but friendly all the same and we had a really nice conversation about the general school life.

Different places are for different people. Some people enjoy the competitive, intense, academic environment and others, like me, enjoy studying and creating things at our own rate. We all fit different niches but I don't think your value should ever decrease based upon a number. In that particular interview that I had with the bigger, competitive college, I felt very insignificant and like what I did was simply not good enough. I know how hard I've worked and the people who matter, know that too. However, I'm not going to simply go to a place where I feel undervalued for my hard work and talent, just because it has a good reputation. I know my own value and I know that I deserve to go somewhere better and that happened to be the other college. I think if you're ever torn about your future, you should always endeavour to be around people who make you work hard but are uplifting at the same time. You want to be better and you should always try to become a better version of yourself but you should do it in a way that doesn't degrade your efforts. 

Have you ever had an interview for a school or job? What do you think of them? Let me know in the comments below and I'll be sure to reply to them. I ♡ hearing from you! 

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See you next time, 


XOX, Juliette

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  1. You are so right. There is a place for everyone and that first interview was not at a place for you. I have not only had interviews, but I have given them. I always tried to listen to the person, feel them out on what kind of personality they had, and tried to determine if they were a good fit for the job.

    1. Wow, excellent! It's not always the grades that make a person, but the things they've done to do achieve that. That to me is the most important! 💜

  2. You are wise beyond your years! Many older adults haven't figured things out as well as you.
    You will go far in life, my dear.

    1. Thank you very much! 💜That has given me hope. 😊


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