Building the chicken coop - Lifestyle Monday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, 

I think that ever since I was little, I've always wanted a pet of some kind. However it was never really possible because at the time I was probably asking my parents, we didn't have our extension done on the house so it was probably too small and my sister had allergies so a pet probably wouldn't have been suitable for her either. Consequently we've always pondered on the idea of getting chickens. This would be great for us since we have a big garden and although they're animals, they don't live in the house like a pet. However, one big drawback that has affected many chicken owners are the foxes. We've never had a fox step into our garden before but since we do live by a field, I'm sure that the lure of potential food won't stop them from coming in. However, my dad has come up with an idea which entailed putting big heavy bricks underneath the main frame and some broken glass, to ensure that there was no way that they could get in by digging under. The main frame is what my dad built by hand on top of that. He actually went and got some scrap pieces of metal in a friend's garden and welded them together to make a structure and then me, my sister and my dad all attached the chicken wire whilst my mum stapled it to the wooden base. As for the door, my dad ingeniously got the base of an old wooden crate and nailed it to the opening at the front. To finish it all off, my mum added the number plate of our first French car at the front, to make it cute and homely. We've a tally had  to build this external frame because the chicken hutch that we initially bought online was too small so we had to make a bigger outdoor space for our three chickens. The smaller hutch went inside the bigger coop with it's egg box sticking out on the outside, so that we could easily collect the eggs. I'm really excited to have the chickens since I have experience in looking after them when my mum's friend gave us the responsibility in doing so when she was away. We're (jokily) calling them Sunday, Roast, and Parsnip because my mum said that when they're getting old, they would have to be killed for meat. However, whenever we do get the chickens, I'm still looking forward to it because it will be fun and we will have great homemade eggs.

Do you have a pet? Would you like to have one in the future? Let me know in the comments below and I'll be sure to reply to them. I ♡ hearing from you!

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See you next time, 


XOX, Juliette 

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