Race Across the World - Lifestyle Monday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, 

I would say that I really enjoy travelling, even if it can be quite exhausting at times. When I went on my history trip to Berlin in year 10, I definitely found the 16 hour coach journey there quite strenuous, as did many other people on the coach. However, I'm really glad I went because it was a great and memorable experience and it pushed me out of my comfort zone. That is why I try to encourage as many people as I can to start travelling because it definitely strengthens you as a person. You don't necessarily have to go far; you could even go on a small road trip with your friends. But taking the time to try something new makes you more confident and self-assured in other phases of your life. I think this is why I've really enjoyed watching the second series of Race Across The World because it encompasses all the great things about travelling and seeing the world. If you haven't already heard of Race Across The World, it's basically a series that documents 5 pairs of teams travelling across an area of the world, through many different countries, all by land and on a budget, to see who will make it to the end checkpoint. In series 2, the teams are travelling across Latin America to make it to the most southern city in the world, Ushuaia. They must make it to different checkpoints along the way, travelling through 16 different countries. My favourite pair for me is Emon and Jumiul because although they seemed a little naive at first, they really came together as uncle and nephew and were able to stay quite far ahead in the race. Although there were many arguments and disputes amongst the pairs throughout the journey, I also saw people co-operate and grow in confidence, whether it was because they spoke to locals or took the responsibility to plan the route ahead. I cant wait to see the final episode next week!

I think that especially after quarantine, I'll appreciate travelling a lot more because I realize that it's a special experience. My mum says that she would love to try this race with me but I guess we'll have to see.😂

BBC Trailers

Do you like travelling? Where's the best place your been to? Let me know in the comments below and I'll be sure to reply to them. I ♡ hearing from you! 

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See you next time, 


XOX, Juliette

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