Self-taught dancers - Dance Saturday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, 

There's a common misconception that in order to become a great dancer, you have to start your training at a very young age. Whilst this definitely makes it easier to ensure that you're an advanced dancer later in your training, like many other things, it's not impossible to be something great starting a little later. Many dancers who do start late, are often self-taught and in my opinion, they can often be more outgoing than the trained dancers you see. This is mostly because self-taught dancers have to work a little harder to get noticed, whilst trained dancers have been introduced to the dance setting ever since they were young. One famous self-taught dancer is Matt Steffanina, who began teaching himself how to dance at 13 years old and now has a successful YouTube channel, where he showcases his dances. To me, dancers like him show that anything is possible, if you've got the right mindset and work ethic. I also saw another incredible self-taught dancer who is less well-known but managed to teach herself how to dance in a year. Grace Vivian started following online dance tutorials as an amateur, about a year ago and she posted her transformation on her YouTube channel. In my opinion, she now dances like a professional and that was all because she worked hard and never gave up. There are many people in life who say they're going to do something and never truly get round to doing it. However, as a self-taught dancer, you've got to have that will to try something new and I think that's what sets them apart from other dancers. I think if you want to be a dancer, no matter what your age or ability is, you have to be willing to practice and in the end, you'll succeed.

Grace Vivian

Have you got any tips for self-taught dancers? Let me know in the comments below and I'll be sure to reply to them. I ♡ hearing from you! 

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See you next time,


XOX, Juliette

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Grace Vivian

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  1. Thank you for this post.


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