Answering frequently asked questions or things you've always wanted to know - Lifestyle Monday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, 

Today, I'm going to be doing a general Q & A for frequently asked questions or things that I think you've always wanted to know about me, my life, and my views on things. I've been writing blog posts for about 4 years now and throughout my time in doing this, I've been asked a lot of general questions about myself. Just in recent years of my life, I've also been asked very similar questions so today, I'm going to answer them for you so that you can find out more about me. Enjoy!💜

  • What are some of the challenges that I personally think the next generation will face?
I feel like this question has been asked a lot recently because of the current Covid-19 situation. It's not got much to do with me but I thought it would be an interesting question to answer so that you can see my take on it. I believe that we will probably have to continue paying for the financial damage that was caused by the outbreak of the Coronavirus. I think that that will probably be in my generation and the next because of the high unemployment there is right now and because of the collapse of so many businesses. I also believe that if we don't find a good solution to combat climate change, that is also something we will have to deal with in our generation and the next. China is responsible for 15% of world emissions and if we don't find a way to change that figure for China and countries like it, I believe that that will cause a lot of conflict and environmental issues in the future, for the next generation.
  • What is one thing I don't understand about myself?
I guess what I find weird and funny about myself is how, outside of the house, I can be quiet and not very energetic or lively and yet when I'm at home, I'm probably the most outgoing, lively, and talkative person ever. I think that tends to be a trait for most girls because quite often, when girls are at school or something, they'll be quite polite and quiet and when they're at home, they're the most childish and bonkers human beings ever. I don't know why I'm like this but the contrast of the two personalities is really weird to me. 😂
  • How do I have time to write blog posts?
I've been writing a lot throughout this lockdown period because I've just had so much time to kill and I think that's how I've had the time to write blog posts because even if I wrote a post the day before, I had probably all day to think about it, since I either only had homeschooling to do or I had no school at all. Before lockdown, there were many occasions when I've had to just quickly finish writing something or I've just completely missed out a day. I've never attacked myself about it because this is not a professional blog anyway and people actually like it for that reason. 😂 However, I have pre-written posts in the past and it did mean that I didn't have to rush anything and I had more time to relax and do nothing. I like writing posts anyway, so I don't see it as a chore most of the time and I've gotten better at writing quicker over the years. I don't like to plan what I write too much because as Brad Mondo says it, "planning sucks the fun out of everything,"😂 but from time to time it does help.
  • Am I an extrovert or introvert?
I think that I would like to be quite extroverted and I think that at heart, part of me is, like I mentioned in the question before. However, for the most part, I do act quite introverted and I can come across to people like that. I'm not that interested in making my presence completely known when I enter a room and I'm not always that bothered in making a statement to people but what I will say is that if there is something I want to say then I will say it. A lot of people will know that I probably save what I want to say for when it matters because I think it makes more of an impact than just saying everything at once.
  • Do I consider myself a good cook?
Since my mum does bake and cook for a living, every time one of her friends comes around, they always ask me and my sister if we can cook and if we are good at cooking. I would say that me and my sister definitely can cook and although we can't make everything, there are certain recipes like roast dinners, pasta, jacket potatoes, and general desserts, that we can make pretty well. I wouldn't cook for a living but I do like being adventurous with what I make and I do sometimes find cooking fun, even if there are times when I don't want to do it.
  • How do I read so much?
Although it may seem like it because I post a lot of book related content on my 2nd blog, in comparison to my friends and family, I'm definitely the slowest reader. I'm consistent with what I read because I always start a new book once I've finished one but I definitely can't get through a small chapter book in a day or two, there's just no way!😂 My mum doesn't read very often but when she does, she reads really quickly and that's just not me. I like to take my time with reading a book, otherwise I just won't understand any of it.😂
  • Am I a good artist like my sister?
When I said that I wasn't going to do GCSE art like my sister, my teachers were a bit disappointed because I did do a really good painting of a snowy scenery in year 9 and they really liked it. However, I think they were mostly disappointed because they wanted me to do art like my sister.😂 I'm not even ashamed to say that the vast majority of the artwork I did was not amazing. Especially when it came to self-portraits, sewing, and online editing, I was actually the worst. I used to be quite good at doing faces when I was younger but over the years, my talent declined. Plus I didn't really enjoy it as much as my sister did so although I wasn't completely awful, I wouldn't really do art in my spare time or take it on as a career.
  • Would I like to be famous?
I think that if you've got something good to share with the world, being famous is not a bad thing because you can influence more people. However, although I do a lot of things online and I like dancing, I wouldn't intentionally like to be famous because I would like to have my own life as well. If I happen to be, then I would think that that would be because I've done something good. However, being famous isn't always fun and I would much rather work my way up to have a lot of money than be famous as well.
  • Would I prefer living in England or France?
Since my mum is French and was born in a French colony called Réunion, I have lived part of my early life in France. I was born in Paris and I lived in France for a bit. However, I think I prefer living in England. Although I have friends in France and some family in Réunion, I like the schools in England and I've met a lot of my good friends in England so it feels the most like home to me. I will always go on holiday to France and Réunion and maybe I'll live there in the future but I'm currently happy with where I am.
  • Am I more likely to avoid conflict or engage with it head on?
I've been in arguments with people before in the past and some of them I've dealt with pretty well and others have just dragged on for weeks. However, I would like to say that I'm good at handling it for the most part. I try to stay silent and stay away from people who are not nice to me and if that doesn't work, then I won't be afraid to deal with the issue face-to-face. I try to avoid conflict for the most part but I think I know when someone has crossed a boundary and I'm not afraid to say something about it.
  • Did I start dancing ballroom and Latin early?
Although I've done street dance for the longest and I've explored other dance styles like jazz and tap, I actually went into ballroom and Latin quite late. I started when I just turned 13 and I started at the studio I'm at now. I had to dance with people who were a lot younger than me. I think the oldest student there who wasn't me, was about 10 years old. However, after a year of trying to master this new style of dance, I moved up a group and started dancing with the people I take classes with now, who are about the same age as me or close. I think prior knowledge of dance got me there and I really tried hard and practiced a lot so I think that that's what made me get better.
  • Am I afraid of heights? 
I would say that up until a certain point, heights do scare me. I think I'm more afraid of spiders and insects than I am of heights but there are times when I would not like to be that high up. I've free-fallen 10 metres when I went on a school residential trip and I landed on a massive air bag. That didn't scare me too much. I've also zip-lined over a canyon in Croatia and that was kind of scary but fun as well. What I definitely wouldn't do, however, is climb on a vertical edge or an overhang because that would make me really nervous and sacred. 
  • Do I like my name? 
I do like my name because I think that no name other than Juliette would really suit me. If I was called anything else, I think that would just be weird as I don't have another name that I would prefer. However, it was really awkward watching the Leonardo Dicaprio version of Romeo and Juliet in my year 10 English class.😂 That was not fun and that's the thing that I do find annoying about my name but my name is kind of unique so I guess that's why I like it. 
  • Do I eat breakfast every morning? 
Yes, I do eat breakfast every morning and that's mainly because I get hungry after not eating for around 9 hours. 😂 I know some people can't stomach it and I can't either when it's really early in the morning. However, although it's actually not completely as important of meal as people make it out to be because some people are genuinely not hungry in the morning, I always try to eat breakfast because if I have school or an exam, it does get me energised and focused. 
  • What did I want to be when I grew up?
I think that I wanted to firstly be a bus driver, then I wanted to be a teacher, and then for a while after that I wanted to work in the police. I think that tends to be the usual line of career choices that a child goes for but yeah, I wasn't really that original. Now I would like to be a dance teacher and maybe do something with writing.💜
  • (Last question) Have I always found academic subjects easy?
No, I have not always found academic subjects easy. With maths, I was in bottom set for quite a while until I eventually moved up and although I'm a lot better at it now, my mind just did not click with the subject at all for a long time. Science I was a bit better at but it still took me a while for me to understand the material. English I've never been too bad at and I would say that in year 11, I really excelled at it because I had a good teacher and even though I was in middle set, he really pushed us to do more advanced work which was good. It still takes me a while, however, to pick things up in science and maths but I have drastically improved. In lessons, I tried to work hard, I've always tried to put my hand up even if I didn't know the answer, and I've always tried to do extra bits of work to improve. I think that's what made me better at those subjects now.

Is there an interesting fact about you that you would like to share? Let me know in the comments below and I'll be sure to reply to them. I ♡ hearing from you! 

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See you next time,


XOX, Juliette

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