My fitness routine and tips - Lifestyle Monday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, 

Firstly, I would just like to say thank you for all the amazing birthday wishes that I received on Saturday. It really means a lot and I'll definitely try to follow up on how I celebrated my birthday, on Wednesday's post!💜

Now, I recently wrote a post about my workouts that I try and do regularly with my sister and many of you seemed to enjoy it so today, I thought it would be nice to talk you through what we do and to hopefully give you some advice too, should you wish to try some of these exercises. As you could probably tell from my past post, I am not really a fitness person at all and I do struggle with the exercises sometimes.😂 However, I hope this gives you a bit of motivation to have a go at them yourself, as no one has to be an expert to begin exercising more. Exercising is good for you and especially in this current climate, it can only really bump up your health, which I think is a positive.

The first thing that me and my sister do is a cardio exercise. We put on about a 3 minute song and we do a bunch of cardio exercises to really increase our blood pressure and get ourselves warm. Usually, I tend to cheat a little bit and just awkwardly jump up and down on the spot but I believe that it's probably a better idea to do a variation of exercises like star jumps and high knees as well.

Next, we do some stretching. My sister usually does something different to me but we both try and do a quick full body stretch. I do some lunges, a butterfly stretch, a pike position, box splits, and a seal stretch. If I feel like it, I'll try and do a wall split as well but that doesn't happen everyday. I'm just really into my stretching so that is something I like to do occasionally. My general tip for stretching is to not over do it but if it feels kind of painful, you're probably stretching correctly. I did a full post on ways to increase your stretching here, where I basically gave some useful tips like flexing your feet in a pike position and keeping your hips on the ground in a seal stretch. These should hopefully help.

After we've warmed up and stretched a bit we get onto doing the actual workout. We follow different fitness YouTubers but we mostly do Chloe Ting's workouts because they're easy to follow along to and some of them have breaks in between the exercises (yesss!😂). I'll leave one of her videos below, so that you can see some of the exercises for yourself.

Chloe Ting

However, every time me and my sister do a workout together, we try and focus on a different part of the body so I'm just going to give you 3 main examples of some of the different exercises we do.

  • For abs, one of the best exercises we do are leg lifts. With the type of leg lifts that we do, we place a water bottle in the middle of the floor, lie flat on our backs, and slowly lift our legs up and down around the water bottle. A great tip for this is to ensure that your back isn't lifting up from the floor, as that will defeat the point of the exercise. The best thing to do is to lower your legs just before your back curls up and then lift them back up again. I struggle a lot with this exercises but it's still really good.
  • For legs, the best exercise for me is squats. Me and my sister can never really do them for that long but that's a sure sign that the exercise is definitely strengthening our legs. Since we do jumping squats, every time we land back down again and bend our knees, we always try to ensure that our knees don't go over our toes as that means you're not doing a proper squat.
  • For arms, I really like doing straight arm rotations as they are really simple but incredibly effective. All you have to do is put your arms out to the side and move them round in circles. There isn't really a tip for this one as gravity seems to do all the work but I do find that if you clench your fists when you're doing the exercise, you'll feel it more. 

Once we've finished our exercises, we try to drink a lot of water. I would recommend doing this as well, if you've tried some of these exercises, as it's really important that you hydrate after a good workout. 💜

Have you got any fitness/stretching tips? Do you like exercising? I'm more of a stretching person but I began to exercise more regularly recently as I had more time during lockdown and I thought it would be beneficial to my dancing. Let me know what you think in the comments below and I'll be sure to reply to them. I ♡ hearing from you! 

Tap one of the reaction boxes below to let me know what you thought of this post. It would really help me to make some improvements in the future! 

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See you next time, 


XOX, Juliette

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