A short diary entry from me: My sister's A-level celebrations + GCSE results anticipations - Lifestyle Monday

 Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,

On Thursday, me and my family decided to go out for a meal to celebrate my sister's A-level results. I haven't asked but I'm sure she won't mind me mentioning that she got distinction*, distinction, distinction for her results in her art diploma and of course everybody was happy. I know that not everybody got what they necessarily wanted this year because of Covid-19 and not being able to actually do the final examinations but results don't always reflect the work someone has actually put in and just because you got below what you expected, it doesn't necessarily mean that you've failed. There is going to be a second chance for those students to prove themselves!

However, me and my family decided to go out to eat in a pub in a neighbouring village and the food was really nice. For the first time, we were kind of forced to sit inside because it was raining outside but the staff kept to the protocol and wore masks etc so it was still really nice. We had 4 scotch eggs with piccalilli to share between us as a starter and then we all had beef burgers in a pretzel bun with some chips for our mains. As usual, it was delicious. I am a big fan of anything with pickle in it so I really liked the pork scotch egg with the piccalilli. It was really nice. I also loved the burger and chips that we had since it was the same as the takeaway option that we tried before and that was also really nice too! I also had an apple and mango J2O for a drink as well.

After we had finished eating, we began talking to two other ladies on another table who used to work at mine and my sister's primary school. We told them that we were celebrating my sister's A-level results and they said congratulations. My mum also mentioned that I will be getting my GCSE results on the week that you guys are reading this. For this, I am strangely nervous and not because I think I'm going to fail but just because I have absolutely no idea what I'm going to get. I kind of know what my predicted grades are but I know that they will change slightly depending on your behaviour, attitude to learning, and homework/coursework so I'm kind of waiting with good anticipation to see what I'm going to get. I hope it's good and I'm sure I won't fail anything but I also don't know if I'll get what I expected. The two ladies said good luck though and I'm sure on my results day, I will be at least satisfied with what I get.

I hope for those of you who are also getting your GCSE results on Thursday, are also happy with what you get. If you're not, then there is a chance to re-take anything you're not particularly happy with and although these results seem like a big deal now, you have to also remember that in 10 years time, you'll probably be looking back thinking that there was nothing to worry about!

Hope you enjoyed this diary entry-style blog post!

What is your experience of GCSE results day? Are you receiving your results of Thursday? Let me know in the comments below and I'll be sure to reply to them. I ♡ hearing from you! 

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See you next time,


XOX, Juliette

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Previous post:

All about: Kate Prince and ZooNation - Dance Saturday 


  1. Congratulations to your sister. Here is also hoping for stellar results when find what yours are!

    1. Thank you! Yes, I do hope my results are just a stellar as my sister's!😓


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