Back to school 2020 - Writing Wednesday

 Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,

Today, I'm going to be doing a back to school post to show you some of the items I've picked up for the beginning of term in September. I know that this is probably going to fill you with dread because it's a reminder that school is going to start soon for you but I really just wanted to put this up now so that you have time to buy some of the things I've bought, if they interest you. The items are from Tesco and Sports Direct so they are really cheap to buy. I've also bought a pair of jeans and some clothing pieces for sixth form so if that's something you would like, you can get it as well. I hope you enjoy!

  • The first thing I bought was this clear, rainbow pencil case. I like this because not only does it look pretty, it is also super practical because it's waterproof so none of your stationary can get damaged. It is also a decent size so it won't take up too much space your bag but it's a also big enough to hold your pencils, pens, and bits and bobs. The fact that it's clear also means that it's suitable to use in exams as you need clear pencil cases for that. It is just a good all-round pencil case in general and it only cost me around £3.00.
  • Now, I'm not a highlighter type of person so I didn't get very many colours but I did get a green, orange, yellow, and pink highlighter in a pack by Sharpie. This will be useful for locating key bits of information in texts so that I can use that to revise and it also makes the information more appealing to the eye so that things are easier to learn. This pack only cost me £2.00 as it was half price.
  • Next I got a set of blue, red, green, and black pens by Bic. It's a good idea to get an array of different coloured pens as you may want to switch up the colour for reflection work or for highlighting any errors you've made. You can also use these pens as highlighters too. These pens do tend to run out quite quickly but there is more than one pen for each colour. This pack only cost me £1.50 as it was also half price.
  • Next I got a set of full black pens by Bic. I think any school relies on the standard black pen as something that all students should use so I got a bunch of them at Tesco. Again, these pens do tend to run out quite quickly but that's why I bought a bunch of them so that I can just replace them when they do. This set cost me around £1.50 as it was also half price!
  • Next, I got a set of 3 Pritt sticks because even though schools often provide glue sticks, they're often not that great or there aren't enough to go around so I prefer to have my own. Pritt sticks don't tend to dry out that quickly anyway so they are much more reliable than the glue sticks you would normally have at school. These glue sticks only cost around £2.00 because they were half price too.
  • Since I'm doing IB, I'm not going to escape maths that easily so I had to go and get myself a set of mathematical instruments by Helix Oxford. This is probably the best set you can get because it's cheap and it has everything you need. It has a protractor, a couple set squares, a compass, a pencil and sharpener, a rubber, and a ruler. Plus it only cost around  £4.00 so it was super practical.
  • As a staple clothing piece, I also got a long mid rise pair of navy blue jeans in a size 10. Since I'm going to sixth form this year, I don't have to wear uniform so I wanted to make sure I had a nice array of clothing items to wear for school. I like these jeans because they're a nice fit, good quality, and they look good with anything. They're not a skinny fit so they flair out a bit at the bottom but I think that this style is making a come-back and it seems to suit me too. This pair only cost £16 and I might go back to get another pair!
  • I next bought this Hottuna Australia rucksack from Sports Direct. My old black Mountain Warehouse bag that I had for a few years was kind of falling apart and the straps were breaking so I needed to get a new one and so I did. I got this big blue bag that is really great because not only does it look nice, it also has a lot of space to put my books, my pencil case, my lunch box, and my water bottle in it. It was £27.99 and 50% off so it was a good buy!
  • Lastly, I also got some new trainers because again, I had my other pair for years and I needed a new pair for dance and school in general so I did. I got the Skechers Sport with memory foam trainers and they were really comfortable. I got some blisters a lot with my other trainers and with the memory foam in my new pair, it would just make everything so much more comfortable. They're also great for sport so I would be able to use them for dance in and out of school. These trainers cost £28. 

I hope you found this post helpful! I might go back and get some pencils because I seemed to have forgotten those but other than that, I think I have everything I need for the new school term. I'm excited to go back to school but I'm also nervous because it's going to be a big change, especially since I haven't been in the school environment for six months. However, I like school and I love to learn so I'm sure I'll be fine!

Btw, my mum's friend got me this gift to say congratulations for my results which I thought was really kind of her!

Are you going back to back to school this year? Have you finished school? Let me know in the comments below and I'll be sure to reply to them. I ♡ hearing from you! 

Tap one of the reaction boxes below to let me know what you thought of this post. It would really help me to make some improvements in the future! 

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See you next time,


XOX, Juliette

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