GCSE results day 2020 - 1 Year To Get To College (Post 21) - Lifestyle Monday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,

Today, I'm going to be talking about how results day went this year for year elevens. This is going to be my 21st and last post in my 1 Year To Get To College series. Sorry there was a bit of a mix up in the number of posts I was up to because I wasn't really counting after a while but I'm glad this series is ending on a high! I can't believe it's basically been a year since I started this series. You can check out all of my 1 Year To Get To College posts here to see how I've been getting on with my whole GCSE year, with school and Covid-19. There have been a lot of memories made!

It was a bit of a stressful time this year because of the outbreak of the Coronavirus. I couldn't do my exams because it was a risk to do that at the time and I had to do homeschooling for most of the exam period so the events that followed from March were certainly unprecedented. It was difficult to get used to the idea of finishing secondary school that early and doing all the rest of my school work from home instead of doing my exams, felt a bit wrong to me. Walking back into school to pick up my results and seeing most of my teachers, certainly felt a bit strange.

However, I'm happy that I did keep up with my homeschooling because it meant that my exam results ended up being a lot better than I thought they would be. Since everyone who was going to collect their results had to go in one by one in alphabetical order, my name was initially at the bottom of the list so I was supposed to go into school much later to collect my results. However, since I had actually done so well in my exams, my head of year offered to move me to an earlier place and my mum said yes. I didn't know the news at the time so I was a bit shaky when I signed my name for my results but I surprisingly started to cry because of how happy I was with how I did. In my shock I even forgot about the crusty pen that I brought with me. 😂🖋️

I had achieved a grade 9 in French, 2 grade 8s in science, 2 grade 7s in English language and literature, a grade 8 in business, a grade 6 in maths, a grade 7 in history, and a distinction* in dance. Along with a few other students I was even featured on an article about GCSE results day on Cambridgeshire Live because I was the student who had improved the most in my year between Key Stage 2 and Key Stage 4. I think the teachers may have entered in a few wrong details in the article by accident but it's whatever. I'm happy I guess that I was featured because I wasn't expecting that! I was so surprised that I even forgot to take my mask off when I was outside with my dad to tell my mum and my sister the good news! 😂 All that extra work I did, seemed to have paid off! 

Just to quickly clarify, I got 3 grade 8s and 1 grade 7. I'll also be doing highers in dance, history, and English but I am happy with being featured on the article anyway! 😂💜

(Incase you were unsure about the new grading system grade 9 is an A**, grade 8 is an A*, grade 7 is an A, grade 6 is a B, grade 5 is a C+ or strong pass, and grade 4 is a C- or a pass)

When I got home, I messaged a few of my friends and waited to see how they got on with their results. I didn't get a chance to talk to my friends at results day but when they messaged me back, they all said that they did really well and for some better than expected too so I was really happy for them! I know many of them also worked hard and it seemed like it paid off for them, especially in the subjects they liked and wanted to pursue in the future!

I was able to enroll quite quickly into my chosen sixth form. I did a quick Zoom meeting with my course co-ordinator at 11:30am just to check over my maths and English results and all of my subject choices but they seemed pleased too with how I did and it only took about less than 10 minutes. I'm on the look out for my new timetable because I don't know exactly when that's going to be given to me but I think I'm happy with my new course. I'm a bit apprehensive to do the IB course just because it's so different from the usual A-level courses that you do but my school seems really nice and I'm sure I'll eventually get the hang of everything!

We spent the rest of the day celebrating my results. We were supposed to go to La Latina Bustaurante for lunch but when we arrived, we realised that the place was closed so we decided to get some items for burgers since we were by M&S and apparently their burgers are really good. We added bacon, egg, and salad to our burgers and had some chips on the side. It was really delicious, especially since the eggs we had were the ones from our chickens so it made it that much better. We also sneaked in a few biscuits at the end for good measure. We were stuffed at the end so after clearing everything up, me and my sister decided to watch Hotel for Dogs on Netflix since we hadn't seen it in a while and we'd thought it would be fun! I really liked the film a lot and after relaxing a bit, me and my family then decided to go out in the evening to get some drinks and some snacks at the nearby pub. My mum wasn't hungry so she just had a drink and some crisps but we decided to have some scotch eggs as well, since they were delicious. I had my apple and mango J2O on the side as well.

Overall, it was a great day and it went a lot better than I expected.  I am happy that I was able to get good results like my sister! With the sudden U-turn in the way the government was assessing us for our GCSEs, after the low results that some students received for their A-levels, I was a bit worried with how my GCSE results would turn out. However, the only subject that was kind of affected by the change was dance because it was a BTEC course that was technically still being looked over by the examiners on results day. However, my dance teacher rang me up and said that things are still up in the air but I'll most likely be keeping my expected grade of D* so really I am happy about that. I'm also incredibly happy with how all of my friends did because I know it was a difficult and stressful time for all of us but I am happy that we pulled through!

If you perhaps didn't get what you expected this year, do not despair, I'm sure you can talk things over with your sixth form or have a second chance at the exam to prove yourself properly. Exams may be important but they are not everything and as I said before exams don't always reflect the work you've put in so don't take a number on a piece of paper to heart! I'm sure you'll nail it in whatever exam you may have next!

A couple years ago, my sister went to get her GCSE exam results at the school and she also cried at her results. The same teacher took photos of both of us crying to add to the GCSE results day slideshow for the next year elevens. I remember being embarrassed in assembly when I saw my family crying on my sister's results day. It looks like they'll be adding my sister's photo and my photo side-by-side for the slideshow and all I can say is that I'm glad I won't be there to see it! Lol😂💜

Anyway, I would just like to say a huge thank you to all of my teachers. They were there to support all of their students through their GCSEs and they did an amazing job with it. The results across the board were amazing. Thank you very much for your continuous support! 

Did you get the results you wanted? Did you find this year difficult in general? Have you already done your GCSEs? Let me know in the comments below and I'll be sure to reply to them. I ♡ hearing from you! 

Tap one of the reaction boxes below to let me know what you thought of this post. It would really help me to make some improvements in the future! 

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See you next time, 


XOX, Juliette

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