The best quality you can have in a friend - Lifestyle Monday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,

As I'm going to sixth form very soon, I thought it would be a good idea to write a post on the topic of friends as I'm sure I'll be getting to know a whole range of different people when I go back to school. Although there are a few people that I know who will be going to my new school, not many of my friends have chosen to go to the same sixth form as I have so this can only mean that I will have to make some new friends in the new school term. I'm quite excited because it's a new start and I'm sure I'll meet a lot of people with similar interests to me and I'm sure I'll soon end up with a group of people who I will hang out with the most. 

However, after hanging out with a range of different people during my 5 years at secondary school, I've developed a better understanding of the types of people I would want to hang out with. When someone asks me what the best quality you can have in a friend would be, I can think of many different answers to that question. I would like to have a friend who is kind, helpful, thoughtful, respectful, and understanding because I think those are just some of the general qualities that most people would like to have in a friend. 

However, I think the best quality that anyone could have in any friend would be, that they are nice to be around. Of course you're going to have days when you have an argument with your friend and you fall out and of course it's natural to not always agree with what your friend is doing because at the end of the day, we're all different from each other and we can't go through life always doing the same things that our friends are doing. Nevertheless, I think it's important to surround yourself with people who are mostly going to uplift you. I think that too many people make the mistake of hanging around people who are degrading and mean just for the sake of being civil or not hurting their feelings. I think that there have been plenty of times where I've hung around people like that and the atmosphere was never always nice so I would personally prefer to be around people who, no matter what they feel, are genuinely respectful and make me a better person. Some of my recent friends had this quality and I just found that it was so much nicer and calmer to be around them than anybody else.

I hope that when I go to sixth form, I will be around people who will make me happy. I know that just because you're going past the age of 16 it doesn't always mean that people have matured. There will still be arguments and fallings out but I hope that for the most part I'll be around positive people. I know that in sixth form, there are more people who will have similar interests to you because the subjects are more about what you would like to do instead of what you have to do. I'm therefore excited to meet and get to know some new faces in September because I'm sure I'll find my niche of friends soon enough.


What kind of qualities do you like to have in a friend? Let me know in the comments below and I'll be sure to reply to them. I ♡ hearing from you!

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See you next time,


XOX, Juliette


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