First impressions of Strictly Come Dancing 2020! - Dance Saturday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, 

On Saturday, I watched the first episode of Strictly Come Dancing 2020. I was hoping to write a whole lot of reviews for this year about each of the celebrity dancers on the show, like I did with the dancers last year. However, with Covid-19, I wasn't even sure if the show would continue this year. When they announced that there was going to be a show, I was happy but there were clearly many changes that the producers of Strictly had to put in place. Firstly, Strictly started a little later this year. Secondly, the partners all met a few months before the opening night and have been living together as a household. Thirdly, apart from a few people, there is no live audience. Fourthly, there are fewer contestants and all the group dances have been pre-filmed to reduce the transmission of the virus. All this has been put in place to ensure that everyone can stay as safe as they possibly can but I must admit, when I saw all these changes, I wasn't sure if Strictly would be the same.

BBC Strictly Come Dancing

However, in some way, the show has still managed to keep its atmosphere of fun. Yes, there are all these changes put in place but you can tell that they've also put an effort into trying to add that happy atmosphere that makes the show so popular. You can tell that they've also been innovative with all the new rules and regulations. If you follow me on Instagram, you will know that I posted a video of the opening group number because I was so impressed with it. They used the outdoor space as a way to showcase what the year 2020 has really been about. I honestly give my hats off to the choreographers and dancers who took the time out of their day's to work on these spectacular routines because they were amazing on Saturday night.

BBC Strictly Come Dancing

In terms of who I think will be the best dancers on the show, it's still early days and I will have to wait and see. However, for their first group dance, Maisie Smith from Eastenders seemed to have some moves. I can also see that with time, Harvey might also become a good dancer. The comedian, Bill Bailey, also seemed to have some rhythm too from what I saw in that routine.

BBC Strictly Come Dancing

I'm also intrigued to see how that same-sex dance couple, Katya and Nicola, are going to work. I must say, I was surprised that the BBC added this couple onto the show because it's not exactly what I expected to happen this year. It's also not how ballroom and Latin is authentically danced but if they're good and they work well together, I can't have anything against it. I'm excited to see what they bring to the table.

I will also miss Bruno. He really was an intrinsic part of the show but I'm sure Oti, Shirley, and Craig will not disappoint me this year! 

What do yo think of Strictly 2020? Let me know in the comments below and I'll be sure to reply to them. I ♡ hearing from you!

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See you next time,


XOX, Juliette

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