Extended essays and IAs - Writing Wednesday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, 

The last part of the summer term has commenced and traditionally, over my school years, I would spend this term celebrating the achievements of the last school year and I would welcome a nice long break before the entrance into the next school year. In year 12, celebrations are still a part of the contract and I shall celebrate my achievements with pride because the pandemic threw many obstacles in my way and despite those obstacles, I still made it to the end. However, one must not be ignorant that this term is going busy and summer is going to be packed to the brim. Let's just say, I won't be bored over the holidays! This is because year 13 coursework is about to commence with extended essays and a whole lot of IAs!

If you don't know what the extended essay or the IAs are, I will explain. The extended essay is a 4,000 word essay on a subject and topic of your choice and we are advised to complete the first draft of the extended essay at the end of this summer holiday. The IAs are internally assessed essays that you have to write for most of your IB Diploma Programme subjects and they are usually around 1,500 word essays. I have chosen dance for my extended essay and I have a meeting with my supervisor, who is my dance teacher, to review my essay question on the day that you're reading this. I am also doing IAs in maths, nature of science, and history and I have already started to research some information for my topics. In history I am researching the Nuremberg trials and I am asking the question if they exposed the crimes committed during the Holocaust. It has so far been very interesting finding out about this subject matter but I have to write the first draft of section 1 of the essay before my next meeting with my history teacher and I hope that I can put what I've learnt into clear enough words.

Over the summer I will be working on writing draft no.1 of my extended essay on ballroom dancing, as well as working on some of my IAs. If my summer holiday can be summed up into 3 words it would be, writing, writing, and writing. Obviously because I blog my life very often, I'm quite used to writing and I think that I should be able to write 4,000 words if I stick to my schedule. However, I do still think that this whole coursework experience is strange to me because apart from BTEC dance, coursework was scrapped for the new 9-1 GCSE. My worry is that because I will have so much to do, I won't be able to write well enough for each subject and I really want to put my best foot forward in everything I do. I also worry for year 13 when I will have to do coursework and revise for upcoming mock examinations. How am I supposed to balance everything? This experience will be my biggest time management test ever. I would say that I'm already pretty organised with my work but this is inevitably going to be stressful nevertheless. I've just got to keep thinking that I've now got less than a year left of IB, and then I will be able to move on from this. Wish me luck!💜😀 

Have you ever written any essays for coursework? Let me know in the comments below and I'll be sure to reply to them. I ♡ hearing from you!

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See you next time, 


XOX, Juliette

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