The stress is only temporary - Lifestyle Monday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, 

Recently I have been feeling a bit stressed about my oral exams for English and Japanese, which shall be taking place very shortly. My English exam is about 15 minutes long and shall be taking place this Thursday and my Japanese exam will be about 10 minutes long and will be taking place next week on Tuesday, my mum's birthday. I have been trying my best to keep it all together but I must confess, it has felt little bit like an uphill battle at times. This is mostly because I want to do well. :) I'm sure I have made it very clear to you that I have found the IB a  very difficult and very demanding course and because of that, there have been many times when it has felt like the course has expected a little too much from me. I know that I am a person of challenge and I know that my past has proven that I can push through the things that I have found the most difficult, but like any other perfectly normal human being, I do get frustrated when the obstacles in my way seem to present themselves in abundance. I must give thanks to my sister Alice and to my parents, who have been encouraging with my English oral exam in particular. They have sat their patiently as I have attempted to amend and rehearse my script and they have tried to take my mind off of the exam through getting me involved in some leisurely activities. Furthermore, I have been revising for my Japanese exam with my grandmother and I have tried to get more speaking into my day in general. Is there technically more that I could have done to get myself prepared for these exams? Technically not. Perhaps there were times when I wasn't as efficient or productive as I could have been but I'm trying to better myself every day and I'm perfectly entitled to take breaks too, especially when it is the holiday. And at the end of the day, I AM doing everything that I can. Speaking is a skill and I would say that my strength lies more in the writing side of things. However, if I don't take risks like I will be with doing these exams, I will not gain experience or learn anything so I might as well just give it my best go and try and not let my ego get in the way of the outcome. In times such as this I try to remind myself of this good piece of advice that I received from a coach who came into our school for a talk at the end of year 12. He said to us "Stress is only temporary and if you are trying your best to succeed, that is the best and all you can do." Sometimes you can't bypass things, you've just got to go through them and complete the mission. Reminding yourself that even the biggest stresses in life will soon pass and that your best IS good enough, can really put the weight off of your shoulders. It's at most, only a 15 minute exam for both languages and I'm nearly at the end of my course now. I am removing things from my checklist and really the business sunk cost fallacy suggests that my best bet is to just complete this course now that I have come so far. I HAVE done really well considering how notoriously challenging this IB course is, so I can complete this. It's all about the positive attitude and the self belief from now on for this final leg of the marathon. It CAN be done.

Have you got any good tips to deal with stress? Let me know in the comments below and I'll be sure to reply to them. I ♡ hearing from you!

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See you next time, 


XOX, Juliette

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