My 18th birthday, IB results day, and punting up the river Cam - Lifestyle Monday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,

First and foremost, apologies for my absence on here recently. In truth, I have been working on creating another website on WordPress where I hope to move this blog onto. As you all know, I have been writing on this blog since I was 12 years old and whilst I have really enjoyed the experience, I feel as though the site on Blogger is now getting a bit old for me and it's time for me to move on. I am now 18 years old and I need something a little bit more professional that matches the person I have become, and I believe that this new site on WordPress will allow me to fulfill this. You needn't worry though, this site will remain open and you can always come back to the old posts written by me that you've loved reading over the years. It's just that at some point in the near future, I will be writing on my WordPress site instead of this one. I also hope to add some information about my online dance classes to this new site as well so that I can grow my online dance school on this site too. I am still unsure as to how this dual blog and dual dance school website is going to work at the moment, but I guess we'll just have to wait and see. However, there's a lot of things that need to be put together at the moment so for now, I will be continuing to write on this blog before the official transfer happens. I hope you enjoy today's post!

Obviously, I guess that one of the biggest things that has happened to me recently is that I've actually turned 18! I think most people's 18th birthdays will always be that birthday to remember because it really marks the end of one chapter and the beginning of a new one. Yes, age may be just a number, but turning 18 to me marks the transition from minor to major and the beginning of a new adventure. 

On the morning of the 4th of July, I woke up, went downstairs and opened my presents with my family sat down beside me. I got some new clothes, a new swimsuit for our family trip to Réunion, as well as some chocolates, and the new book written by Bear Grylles called Never Give Up. I have since started reading the new book by Bear. I initially thought it was his autobiography but actually it's just a book collating all of his most memorable moments whilst filming his crazy adventure shows on TV. It has been a very amusing and enjoyable read so far and I would highly recommend giving it a read. As for the rest of my birthday, I had a pretty relaxing day. It was a Monday so whilst everyone was working, I mainly just sat and enjoyed the day, watching Netflix. What made this birthday different to others though was that I was gifted a bottle of Taittinger. Me and my sister Alice opened this Champagne bottle and I had my first few sips of alcohol. I can't say that I enjoyed the taste in the beginning but let's just say I am now enjoying the occasional glass of red wine on the weekend with my food! Alongside my glass of Champagne, my mum made these really nice burgers which we had with chips and for dessert, she made a really nice French cake. I am lucky that my mum bakes and cooks for a living so I'm sure there's no need to reiterate how delicious this meal was!

As my birthday was on a Monday, I wasn't really able to go out to any nightclubs so instead, me and my sister decided to go out clubbing together on the Saturday of that week. The evening started out great. We both got all dressed up for the evening and took the bus into town. We ate dinner at Whetherspoons where we had pizza and I ordered a chocolate pudding for dessert. We also ordered a Pornstar Martini which came in a pitcher. There weren't any cups available for us to use so we had to drink out of the jug with straws! Although it was quite loud and hectic in the restaurant, it was an enjoyable dinner and I had a lot of fun! But the nightclubs, I must admit, were certainly not the best! I think this was mainly because we didn't stay out long enough to enjoy the fun because I was quite tired but the music wasn't exactly great either. We went into the two big nightclubs in Cambridge, Vinyl and Mash. Vinyl had better music than Mash but it was more disco than pop and not really our scene either. We then tried to go into Mash but the music was very depressing, like the type you couldn't really dance to at all. So me and Alice ended up leaving early, being satisfied enough with the dinner we had at Whetherspoons. We met up with Alice's boyfriend and his mates in town, and we went back home with them, listening to stupid Minecraft parodies at full volume in the car. Boys will be boys. 

I guess another thing that has happened as well was that I got my IB results. A couple of days after my birthday, I got asked by one of my teachers if I could come in for a photo on results day. Before that, I was getting pretty nervous about my results. As you all know, I personally found the IB very difficult and towards the end of the second year of sixth form, I was getting more and more stressed about my upcoming exams, not knowing what they would bring. However, I guess there was not much for me to worry about because my IB score came out as 41/45 which was 91%! I cried with joy at my results. It could be a gateway to either Oxford or Cambridge, which was not what I expected at all. As someone who used to struggle with certain academic subjects when I was younger, this was certainly an achievement for me. I really did try my hardest in the course and I'm glad it paid off. No matter what the future may hold for me, I know I earned this and I am proud of my achievement. Everyone who survived the IB with me through the thick and thin of Covid deserves a big pat on the back, no matter the result. They don't call it one of the hardest courses in the UK for no reason. I celebrated the end with a lunch out with my family and I hope you did too!

And as for the punting, I am enjoying what I am doing so far despite the challenges. The other day I fell in the river whilst I was on a tour. I lost a bit of my dignity but I soldiered on nevertheless and completed the tour I was intended to do. The customers offered to help, which was very kind of them, but it was my job to take everyone back so wet or dry, confident or perhaps slightly embarrassed, I got back on the boat and finished the tour I was supposed to do. And I got tipped at the end, perhaps for sympathy reasons, but tipped nevertheless! On another day I also managed to get my pole stuck on the first bridge I came to on another tour, despite going underneath it just fine a million times before! I am just accepting now that it's a varied job and there's a new story for me to bring home everyday to my family about my day at work. That's what makes it interesting and somewhat enjoyable too. 

How have you guys been recently? Let me know in the comments below and I'll be sure to reply to them. I ♡ hearing from you!

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See you next time, 


XOX, Juliette

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