My plans for dance for the future- Dance Saturday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,

As I'm sure you may know, I've been doing dance for 7 nearly 8 years now. I did do ballet when I was 4 but I only properly started dancing at the age of 7 doing commercial street and since then, I've never looked back. Over the past 7 or 8 years I've done street,tap, a year of jazz at a school I hated (lol), contemporary and ballroom both in and out of school. Its been fun, and I've definitely had some crazy experiences at times but for the most part it's been a beneficial 7/8 years. You may think I've done a lot of different styles but it's all to work up to one point which I hope to reach some time in the future. I would like to see if I can continue dance professionally for a bit but I also have dreams of running my own dance school and teaching my own classes. I guess you could say I also want to become a choreographer. I also want to try and start up  a charity or something like that allows people from all over the world to get a chance to dance and take dance further since I've realised that unfortunately, some of us don't get that privilege. This is mostly down to lack of education in some parts of the world. I think that's one of my biggest dreams.

Have you got any things that you want to achieve in dance or any other areas in your field? Let me know in the comments below and I'll be sure to reply to them. I ♡ hearing from you!

See you Monday for another lifestyle post on how to make a brilliant pasta dish which I showed you on my Instagram,


XOX, Juliette

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