How to stay calm in a dance exam - Dance Saturday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,

On Tuesday, I found out that my dance exams were next week! Originally, I thought for some weird reason, that they were going to be on the 7th of July. It made so much sense that it would be on that day but coming to think of it, I have absolutely no idea why. On the wall in my dance studio, there was a whole list of the people who were going to be taking their exams and in big capital letters, was written the date of the exams. It said the 30th of June. I was so shocked because I realised it was next week. My sister had spotted it originally and at first I didn't believe her until I looked at the list and realised I was wrong. It made me panic a bit because I have my second parents evening for year 10 on Thursday next week, which collides with my ballroom lesson and I thought that I would still have another week to prepare but I've managed to rearrange my timetable to rehearse my quickstep after street dance on Tuesday. I desperately need to rehearse this dance specifically, more than I need to for jive because It's the one that I struggle with the most. As I've mentioned in previous posts, I keep on muddling up the pivot step with the brush step so I need to go over that. However, even though I'm slightly panicking,I am staying calm because I know that overall, it won't help my performance in the exam. Especially last year, when I ended up doing samba instead of paso doble. That was stressful! But I just took some deep breaths and I was able to stay calm in the moment. I also try and reassure myself because I know that I've practiced a lot and there's technically nothing more that I can do apart from do my best. This doesn't just apply to dance exams but technically any type of exam. I found that just simply breathing in my mock exams, really helped to calm my nerves down. I'll continue to use this technique in my dance exams next week. Plus, I know that I managed to do those dances before in the past so that should mean that I'm able to do them again.

How do you stay calm in dance exams or any exams? Let me know in the comments below and I'll be sure to reply to them. I ♡ hearing from you!

See you next time,


XOX, Juliette

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