I didn't get what I expected but that's okay - Lifestyle Monday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,

As some of you may know, about a week ago, I finished all of my mock exams. I feel like I did well because I revised a lot and I was able to apply most of my knowledge from my revision, into my exam questions. However, even though I thought I did well, there were still some exam results that I wasn't particularly happy with. 

Even though I worked really hard outside of lesson times, I didn't get the result that I expected for history. For me, what I found the most difficult about history, was remembering the key dates for key events. For example, on question 3 of my exam paper, it asked "recall the events of the Berlin Crisis in 1961." What put me off the most with this exam question, was what the Berlin Crisis was because I didn't know. Had I payed more attention to the date, 1961, I would have realised it was 20 years before the Berlin Wall came down and I would have written about the Berlin Wall instead. However, I ended up writing about the Berlin Blockade and a bit about the division of Germany so I only picked up some of the marks.  Overall, I got 46/90 for my test, which wasn't what I had expected.

I also didn't do as well on my biology and physics. On my biology, I got 27/50 and on my physics, I got 21/50 which I was expecting to pick up more marks because I did put a lot of effort into them outside of school. What I struggled the most with in the biology, was the very first question, which was on magnification because even though I did the method right, I didn't pick up any marks because I converted the units wrong so I got the incorrect answer. What I struggled the most with in physics, was recognising that this particular 6-mark question on a submarine, was talking about terminal velocity. Usually, questions on terminal velocity, talk about sky divers but here, it was about the balanced forces acting on a submarine so I didn't write what I was supposed to write for that question and I only gained 1 mark.

However, despite not getting what I wanted for some exams, I did get pretty good marks on other exams. I got a grade 9 in my listening and reading exams in French and I got 72% in my chemistry exam so overall I can't really complain that much because for some of my exams, my hard work did pay off. Plus I know that I put in the revision and I've got to remember that It's just a mock exam so I've still got a year to improve so really, I shouldn't be worrying that much.

How do you think you did in your exams recently? Let me know in the comments below and i'll be sure to reply to them. I ♡ hearing from you!

See you next time,


XOX, Juliette

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