Testing Lush's Harajuku and Comforter bath bombs - Lifestyle Monday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,

It's coming up to the final week of exams and even though it's nearly over, I've still got 4 major exams left to do and I can feel the pressure beginning to build. To help deal with the stress, I like taking baths whilst reading a good book. I read many books at once but the main one that I'm currently reading is If This Is A Woman, by Sarah Helm. I've raved a lot about this already on my second blog, The Book Hub, so you should definitely go and check them out because I've made some pretty good articles on them and its a book that I would highly recommend. Anyway, as I'm sure many of you that have been following my blog for a long time, would know that I went to Oxford Street's Lush, with my sister and I made a couple of purchases. I already did a review of one of the bubble bars so you should go and check that out but today I'm going to be talking about the Comforter and Harajuku bath bomb. Overall, as with basically all of Lush's products, I really liked the scent. With both of these bath bombs, they produced a really nice scent that calmed you down if you were feeling a little stressed out like I was. I especially liked the scent of the Harajuku bath bomb because I was expecting it to be quite sickly and sweet but it was actually just the right balance which was great. Both bath bombs had really nice colours too. The Comforter bath bomb came out pink and the Harajuku bath bomb had yellow, pink, and white in it which were really fun colours when mixed together. The chapter of my book that I read was all about political prisoners and how they were made to get angry and annoyed with one another so that the Nazis didn't have to do all the work of terror themselves. I thought it was really interest I and I'll definitely be talking about that in future on my book blog.

Harajuku bath bomb

Comforter bath bomb

In terms of life updates, everything is going fine so far! On Friday evening, me and my family were invited to eat dinner at my old childminder's house, who is now a very good friend of ours. Long story short, my mum and her I think, even though they denied it, had a bit too much to drink and started to talking about how they were going to start up a podcast and YouTube channel when they invite random people into the house for some food and a chat. My mum was going to be the cook and our friend was going to be the commentator. The funniest thing about this situation was that they acted so serious about it which made us all burst into a heap of laughter. We also got onto the very awkward topic of what it was like for my mum to have me and my sister. It turns out that my childminder delivered her first daughter on TV on the show, Jimmy's Hospital, which I never heard of until now. The conversation as a whole was so funny and we enjoyed ourselves a lot as usual.

What do you do to keep calm during exam season? Give each other helpful last-minute tips. Let me know in the comments below and I'll be sure to reply to them. I ♡ hearing from you!

See you next time,


XOX, Juliette
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If This Is A Woman articles out now! Click the link.:)



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