We should compensate for the number of trees we cut down - Lifestyle Monday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,

On Saturday, I went to Chopsticks with my family for lunch. To get there, you have to pass a big motorway that is currently being extended since it's always full of traffic. I find the whole building process and overall construction of this new motorway quite sad since in the process of adding tarmac, they've had to cut down many trees. If I were to snapshot a photo of the area, you'd think that it was a photo of some low income country that is felling many trees because all that is left are many plains of dirt where trees once filled the empty space. It's not the only place in Cambridge that this has occured in. Every time I pass the nearby crossroads to go to dance, I see a whole hill that has had its trees felled. There were once rabbits and other animals using that small patch of land with trees to make homes. Then suddenly, it was all gone to extend the road. How do we stop this epidemic of unnecessary damage? Whilst in the car on the way to lunch, I thought that wouldn't it be great if there was a law put in place where people have to plant three extra trees to compensate for the amount of land they've taken away. The amount of trees replaced could be proportional to the amount of land they've used to build new roads. I'm not saying these trees will grow in two days but after a few years, no one should really notice a difference to how it was before it was being used as a building site. Just imagine how many habitats for animals we could create by adding more trees. We would also be reducing the overall amount of carbon dioxide that there is in the atmosphere since trees are one of the main sources of carbon filter. 

I thought I would share it here on my blog in case it reached just one person and was passed onto the whole world. By providing solutions, we can make a change. It's no longer just about exposing what is happening to the world, it's about taking those thoughts and putting them into action. It's important to practice what you preach.

Do you think that this is a good idea? Let me know in the comments below and I'll be sure to reply to them. I ♡ hearing from you!

See you next time,


XOX, Juliette

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